lyonfish said:
I live quite near to Gigg lane, I don't know the official attendance they get but parking is gradually becoming less of a problem on their match days. On Saturday we didn't even realise they were playing there were so few cars parked up. Personaly I don't care too much where they play so long as they clear off from round here.
Glad you mentioned that about parking.............
One of our (our as in those against FCUM moving to the proposed site) bug bears is that the MEN has been on the side of FCUM from the start and not given those of us protesting against it an even playing field.
The MAIN objection is the fact that the site proposed is on a green - AND COVENANTED - field. Yet everytime the MEN has given the objectors any space in the MEN they have gone on about parking issues and house prices and giving FCUM the last word in any article and therefore the opportunity to come out smelling of roses.
Everytime the MEN has had a pro FCUM article, the paper has NEVER given the ''other side'' the opportunity to have our say (nevermind the last word!)
The MEN has never ONCE mentioned the green and covenanted field as being the main objection of those against the proposal.
I -and the majority of people objecting to this proposal - have NO issue with FCUM being based in Moston, but we do have an objection to the council offering FCUM this green (and covenanted) land to FCUM to develop a 5,000 capacity stadium on.