What's next after Nasri?

Maine Rd said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
A world class centre half - still lacking. Lescott is a weak link and will mean Mancini wont have confidence to play only one holding m/f player.

If Lescott was the weak link we would of brought someone to replace him. Im pretty sure Mancini wouldnt hinge his entire season on someone he considered a weak link. Vinnie and Lescott complement each other. Im sure your aware we had the best defence in the league last season, most of which was them 2 together

This is one that has not been debated much but i am also of the opinion that Lescott could be a weak link for us this year. I actually think as good as Vinnie is he is still a touch raw and i would like to see us sign an experienced, tough centre half to play with him and calm VK and Richards at times when required. However, they are few and far between. Someone like Carvalho or Lucio that would just give us that composure at the back. Lucio has just extended his deal at Inter for 2 years.

I dont like being negative in regards to players and i can see how well Lescott fits in with the group, he is English and that back line has a real togetherness. His strength is his heading ability but just think back as an example to 70 mins gone in the FA cup final and how easily he was turned by Jones near halfway at 0-0 who then managed to run 50 yards and get a shot in. We could easily have lost that 1-0 and he would have been to blame, so for me although he is better than Toure he wouldnt be in my starting 11 for the huge games we are going to play. Bolton away on Sun i have no problems with. What i have seen of Savic he is extremely raw so not looking like the answer. Hope i am proved wrong and maybe playing against someone as tricky and quick as Aguero might just benefit him.

top post mate.

you do not understand why the best posters are posting so little
Matt the Giant said:
BringBackSwales said:
Matt the Giant said:
I would love to see Zabaleta in De Jong's position as I feel he would do one heck of a job there.

instead of De Jong? Seriously??

Yes seriously.

Not permanent, and I'm not saying DeJong is anything but a given in that position. The reason for me wanting to see Zabaleta in that position is due to his far better passing. I think Zab would od a good job breaking up play amd rapidly get it going forward again.
Zab does not have the same 'destructive' quality as Nigel... who does, but he is a very versatile player hard tackler and good reader of the game. I'm sure he'd do a good job there, but better than De jong at what De Jong do? No of course not.
But I think Zab could be more like for example Xabi Alonso than De Jong in that position.

if you think that Zabaletta has a better passing ability, or forward thinking brain than Nigel De Jong then you cant have watched alot of Manchester City. This theory about De Jong not being good enough with his passing or forward thinking ability is such shite. De Jong sees the attacking side of things brilliantly, he just knows he cant play a ball through the eye of a needle like Silva, so he doesnt try, but he makes several crucial passes in that middle 3rd of the pitch to set us up on the attack nicely.

because he doesnt play hollywood balls like silva does people have this image of him as being amazing defensively but nothing else. when do you see de jong giving the ball away? Never. Hes got a great awareness of which attacking players are in the right space to do the most damage to the opposition at any given time, and invariably he picks out the pass to find them.
Sleeping_Easy said:
After nasri we don't need anybody.

The issues being brought up are:

4th striker: If Tevez goes we shouldn't sign another striker as this allows youngsters like Guidetti (sp?) to get games.

A winger with pace: This is the one which could happen but mancni prefers players to be more intelligent with their use of the ball than kick and rush. We have players who can play the wide roles in Silva, AJ, Balo, Nasri, Kun, SWP and in emergencies milner. We dont want overload the squad.

Another CM: Viera preformed a very important role last season and made 32apps in all. Normally i'd say we need to replace him but with milner asking for more chances in the middle we have someone in the squad who can make up them 32apps. It also keeps a current squad member happy.

Anyone disagree?

For me, Milner plays far too deep when played in the middle. At times last season he was almost playing between Kompany and Lescott he was that deep. For that reason I dont he's the permanent answer for the CM job
Matt.D said:
if you think that Zabaletta has a better passing ability, or forward thinking brain than Nigel De Jong then you cant have watched alot of Manchester City.

Well, I don't know if it's a lot or not, but I have seen every single game any one of them have ever played for Manchester City since their arrival at out club. I'd say that's enough in order for me to have an opinion on them two.

And yes I believe that Zabaleta is better at the attack minded aspects of playing in the midfield. He did play there on and off in the past, and every time he did so I was amazed over just how versatile and capable he was at that position.
I wouldn't hesitate to play Zabaleta in Milner's position, nor in Barry's, but I wouldn't be that confident playing De Jong there. Would you?

With that in mind I automatically assumes he'd carry those qualities with him if played in De Jong's more defence minded position.
But as said above, maybe Mancini wants nothing more from the player in Nigel's position than what he gets from him, pure hardcore break-up of play and first line of defence. As said before I think he does that job wonderfully and I am a great fan of his.

But if Mancini wanted all that, plus the additional quality of being able to more quickly transport the ball from defence to attack, well then yes I'd love to see Zabaleta have a go at that role. He's got the engine, the aggressiveness, the ability to read the opponents game and he's very composed and comfortable with the ball.

This theory about De Jong not being good enough with his passing or forward thinking ability is such shite. De Jong sees the attacking side of things brilliantly, he just knows he cant play a ball through the eye of a needle like Silva, so he doesnt try, but he makes several crucial passes in that middle 3rd of the pitch to set us up on the attack nicely..

Well yes, but don't you feel he could improve and become even better at it?
Yes he makes a lot of passes in his area of the pitch, most of them going sideways or backwards though, slowing down the pace of the game (which is sometimes exactly what's needed).

I think we would be an even stronger side if De Jong was more like Alonso, Busquets or even Scholes in his prime. But first things first, those players play (or played) for a side with a great deal of ball possession and we are not quite there yet. But I do think that's the management's goal and if we do reach it, we would be better off with a De Jong with improved ball carrying skills at better passing range together with the qualities he already possesses.

I hope no one is thinking I am anti De Jong. As I have repeatedly aid I am all for him. But I think we can always be better and players can always improve.
Its quite clear by watching the matches that De Jong's first touch and handling often fails him. In truth if he were a bit larger he'd make a smashing central defender. The biggest question people have to ask is does Nigel's defensive advantage outweigh his offensive woes. He is not a good passer of the ball. Poor first touch, but the best in breaking up plays in the Premiership.
Matt.D said:
Matt the Giant said:
BringBackSwales said:
instead of De Jong? Seriously??

Yes seriously.

Not permanent, and I'm not saying DeJong is anything but a given in that position. The reason for me wanting to see Zabaleta in that position is due to his far better passing. I think Zab would od a good job breaking up play amd rapidly get it going forward again.
Zab does not have the same 'destructive' quality as Nigel... who does, but he is a very versatile player hard tackler and good reader of the game. I'm sure he'd do a good job there, but better than De jong at what De Jong do? No of course not.
But I think Zab could be more like for example Xabi Alonso than De Jong in that position.

if you think that Zabaletta has a better passing ability, or forward thinking brain than Nigel De Jong then you cant have watched alot of Manchester City. This theory about De Jong not being good enough with his passing or forward thinking ability is such shite. De Jong sees the attacking side of things brilliantly, he just knows he cant play a ball through the eye of a needle like Silva, so he doesnt try, but he makes several crucial passes in that middle 3rd of the pitch to set us up on the attack nicely.

because he doesnt play hollywood balls like silva does people have this image of him as being amazing defensively but nothing else. when do you see de jong giving the ball away? Never. Hes got a great awareness of which attacking players are in the right space to do the most damage to the opposition at any given time, and invariably he picks out the pass to find them.

What's up with RSC? He should be good enough to be a 4th striker. There is no need to spend just because we can.

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