What's The Best Martial Art?

Gaz in Belgium said:
In my opinion the most effective would be Akido ( the style Seagal uses).
It often called the 'Old man's Martial art' because the it use's opponents energy against them, so a frail looking bloke can send 6 blokes flying with little effort. But it's also one of the hardest to learn as it takes age's to master each move and lock.
My friend is a 2nd Dan , and he with one grip as you screaming in pain.

LOL my Sifu (he was a 5th dan) hated Seagal with a passion because his films were so shit, but mainly because everything Seagal does in his movies is effective and realistic!
paphos-mcfc said:
Jeet_Kune_Do end of thread. was a style in itself with only one master RIP.

I did a weekend seminar with Dan Inosanto about 5 years ago. He might not be Bruce Lee, but I'd say he has developed it and mastered it! He was probably late 60s at the time and was faster and more agile than those of us in the room that were mid 20s! Incredible.
Silly thread,nobody has in depth knowledge of all styles,it is a waste of time to compare youself to competiters you must only compare yourself to yourself grasshopper
SteSteez said:
In Reality what is the best Martial Art in your opinion?

In Reality means in an actual fighting situation such as on the street, where there are no rules - weapons may be involved? who knows what will happen.

Myself i practice several martial arts but I was wondering what people who may not actually do any form of martial art or even have much experience of fighting on the street thought about which Martial Art is most affective?

Or maybe you think martial arts is absolutely cr@p?

Do you practice a Martial Art, if so what is it, and have you had to use it when in fear of your safety?

I'm not mentioning what i practice yet as i wish to remain impartial.

the one that hong-kong-phooey does :)
christen at St Marks said:
Silly thread,nobody has in depth knowledge of all styles,it is a waste of time to compare youself to competiters you must only compare yourself to yourself grasshopper

Yeah but nobody has an in depth knowledge of Mancini, the starting line up against Liverpool, or who we are buying in the summer, but we all have an opinion and like a good argument about it!
In my opinion its what suites the individual.
This is a topic that started what we have now with mma.
That is the whole philosophy of jkd.
Bruce got the ball rolling with it years ago.
Using karate as an example it is going to work for a guy whos 6 foot 5 and weighs 16 stone against an average sized man but i wouldnt want my mrs using it if she was in a bad situation ( could potentially make the attacker more aggressive.) hence is the art good or the person. Its not an art i would trust imho, its too robotic.
To cut a very long story short im an instructor in mixed martial arts, ive done em all and what i have always trusted in street fights as apposed to my mma fights ( 2 totally differnt kind of fighting) is panantukan ( filipino boxing) and kali silat.
As bruce once said you have 2 kinds of martial arts. the rock arts and the flower arts.
The flower arts are pretty to look at and look good but arnt affective ( karate, tae kwon do, ect).Then you have the rock arts thai boxing, western boxing, kali ect..
alanjames24 said:
Gaz in Belgium said:
In my opinion the most effective would be Akido ( the style Seagal uses).
It often called the 'Old man's Martial art' because the it use's opponents energy against them, so a frail looking bloke can send 6 blokes flying with little effort. But it's also one of the hardest to learn as it takes age's to master each move and lock.
My friend is a 2nd Dan , and he with one grip as you screaming in pain.

LOL my Sifu (he was a 5th dan) hated Seagal with a passion because his films were so shit, but mainly because everything Seagal does in his movies is effective and realistic!
I could tell you a funny story about seagal and " JUDO" Gene Lebelle.
Aikido is all about using your oppenents energy against themselves but its not an art i would trust in a street fight.
Whilst your friend is busy trying to grab my wrists i'll be busy elbowing him in the throat.
These pre staged seminars look good ( old man sending 20 people flying through the air).. but in the real world its not something for me.
MMA said:
In my opinion its what suites the individual.
This is a topic that started what we have now with mma.
That is the whole philosophy of jkd.
Bruce got the ball rolling with it years ago.
Using karate as an example it is going to work for a guy whos 6 foot 5 and weighs 16 stone against an average sized man but i wouldnt want my mrs using it if she was in a bad situation ( could potentially make the attacker more aggressive.) hence is the art good or the person. Its not an art i would trust imho, its too robotic.
To cut a very long story short im an instructor in mixed martial arts, ive done em all and what i have always trusted in street fights as apposed to my mma fights ( 2 totally differnt kind of fighting) is panantukan ( filipino boxing) and kali silat.
As bruce once said you have 2 kinds of martial arts. the rock arts and the flower arts.
The flower arts are pretty to look at and look good but arnt affective ( karate, tae kwon do, ect).Then you have the rock arts thai boxing, western boxing, kali ect..

All sounds a bit violent, how many times you reckon you're gonna need this in your everyday life?

In my 38 years (not including playground scraps) I've been confronted with violence once, some bellend trying to break into my car with a screw driver, ran at him & aimed to kick in bollox with left foot and as it planted on the floor threw a right hand which dropped him.

Accounting for the fact I didnt have to confront him I wouldve gone 38 years violence free without training in your MMA's.

Genuine question and not trying to wind you up but apart from the fitness side of things are you not just making people more dangerous by giving them the tools to cause serious damage?
The Korean and Chinese art of Kung Fu! masters if this are the hardest mother fuckers in
the world!!

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