What's the longest you've had a flight delayed?

It'll be because they may at the last minute have chance of another plane so they want to make you're all there ready to go at a moments notice (on the rare ocassion it does happen)
BoyBlue_1985 said:
pominoz said:
Sat in a plane at Manchester airport for 3 hours ( an extra bag had been loaded on), missed connecting flight to Singapore, had to wait 8 hours for a flight that took us (myself and 3 year old Daughter) to LA then on to Auckland, then Melbourne.
22 hour flight turned into 52 hours.
Fucking nightmare :(

What the fuck to get to Australia from Singapore you flew to LA?

The connecting flight was from London, told them i did not want to go to the US of fucking A, was told that is the quickest way we can get you home.
To top it all off, the fuckers at LA airport took my fingerprints and photo.
I did get to see the "Hollywood" sign though.
2 hr delay at heathrow....therefore I missed my connecting flight in Dubai, spent 10 hrs in Dubai for another delayed flight to Sydney. Took me over 40hrs to get from London to Sydney. Had a stop over in bangkok as well. The worst!

not as bad as yours pominoz lol
pominoz said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
pominoz said:
Sat in a plane at Manchester airport for 3 hours ( an extra bag had been loaded on), missed connecting flight to Singapore, had to wait 8 hours for a flight that took us (myself and 3 year old Daughter) to LA then on to Auckland, then Melbourne.
22 hour flight turned into 52 hours.
Fucking nightmare :(

What the fuck to get to Australia from Singapore you flew to LA?

The connecting flight was from London, told them i did not want to go to the US of fucking A, was told that is the quickest way we can get you home.
To top it all off, the fuckers at LA airport took my fingerprints and photo.
I did get to see the "Hollywood" sign though.
Blimey think I would of stayed in Singapore to be fair, not outside though as its horrifically humid. then again I am not a big fan of flying over vast expanses of ocean in a tin can
Was going to Benidorm on a stag do. The flight to Alicante should have been out of Ringway at 7 on the Friday morning. It eventually got off at 8pm. How we all managed to get on that flight after a 13 hour session in the airport bar I'll never know.
foetus said:
2 hr delay at heathrow....therefore I missed my connecting flight in Dubai, spent 10 hrs in Dubai for another delayed flight to Sydney. Took me over 40hrs to get from London to Sydney. Had a stop over in bangkok as well. The worst!

not as bad as yours pominoz lol

As the op posted, it would not have been so bad, but i had my little girl (who was sick, just to add to the joy) with me.

My daughter would not use the plane toilet (scared her) on the flights to Manchester, so i bought enough nappy's to get us home. With the delays we ran out at LA, the border control guy held her while i found passports (she was dead asleep) and she pissed on him.
I thought "oh, fuck! i could be here for a few years!", but he took it rather well :)<br /><br />-- Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:57 am --<br /><br />
BoyBlue_1985 said:
pominoz said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
What the fuck to get to Australia from Singapore you flew to LA?

The connecting flight was from London, told them i did not want to go to the US of fucking A, was told that is the quickest way we can get you home.
To top it all off, the fuckers at LA airport took my fingerprints and photo.
I did get to see the "Hollywood" sign though.
Blimey think I would of stayed in Singapore to be fair, not outside though as its horrifically humid. then again I am not a big fan of flying over vast expanses of ocean in a tin can

The Cactus bar at Singapore airport more than makes up for the humidity ;)
Have a read of martinsmoney saver
My sister is currently claiming back on 4 or 5 flights she has been delayed on over 3 hours in the last 7 years

Fill your boots
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/travel/flight-delays" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/travel/flight-delays</a>
Had a nightmare 4 years ago on a holiday to Kefalonia with Thomsons holidays.
Should have flew at 6am in the morning for a routine 3 hr flight but a general strike was called in Greece that we didnt know about, this is what they did.
Flew at Noon to Prezeva a Greek military airbase on the mainland, then a 2 hr coach journey to a small ferry port, we then had a 3 hr ferry journey to Fiskarardo in North Kefalonia we were staying in Skala right in the South of the island, it then took 2 hrs to get all the luggage off the small ferry.
We then had a 4 hr coach journey with all the drop offs from the North to the South and we were only there a week, friggin nightmare when we should have been there at 9.30am we finally arrived at about Midnight
Was delayed for 12 hours in Cancun. What made it worse was that they turfed us off the complex 4 hours before the original departure time. So 16 hours in the airport. Didn't help that we'd stayed up the previous night drinking until breakfast time. We just sat outside arrivals and watched plane after plane of Americans arrive.

We then had an 11 hour flight to Gatwick, then my mate had to drive us back all the way to Manchester.

We probably went the best part of 50 hours without getting any meaningful sleep. Lord knows how he didn't fall asleep at the wheel.

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