What's the longest you've had a flight delayed?

Not a delay as such, but my first ever flight was to Australia in 2008. We arrived at Heathrow in good time for a late Cathay Pacific flight to Hong Kong. Went to drop our bags off, and were advised that our scheduled flight could be delayed, but we were more than welcome to hop on the HK flight about to depart London.

We thought we'd done alright for ourselves, but we didn't factor in the 11 hour wait at Hong Kong airport for our connecting flight to Cairns. I was all over the place, ended up being jetlagged for a week in Oz.

A baptism of fire for the first big trip of my life.
3 days in Jersey due to fog. Should have flown home on the Thursday but didn't get away till the Sunday. From Saturday morning it was a case of going to the airport when the fog looked like lifting then back to the hotel when it didn't. Fortunately it was work and on expenses.

I also discovered I'd lost my debit card and then dropped my phone in a puddle while ringing to report it.

We were playing at home at 4 on Sunday and just as I was about to go back to St Helier from the airport, the fog lifted enough to get some incoming flights in and mine was one. It was like the evacuation of the US Embassy in Saigon as everyone legged it to the plane and it shot down the runway.

Just made it in time for the game as well. Some others were stuck there for another couple of days.
28 hours back in 88 going to Corfu, French called a strike and no one knew it would be over so they just kept putting us off, got one cold meal out the bastards at Manchester airport in all that time, no one could go home because you just didn't know when it would go and couldn't afford to lose the holiday. Back then no mobiles so we just stayed at the airport a nd slept on the floor, made it onto the front of the MEN with our story, needless to say when I arrived in Benitses I got legless and shagged a fucking ugly ginger bird on the first night, blamed it on the delay and jet lag ;)
i don t remember right....it went "hey you drunk Irish guy did you not hear us calling you over the intercom, C`mon the plane is waiting!!!"

ssssssssure thing baby...... can i get a wheelchair please!!?
We were due out of Cologne at lunch time on 23rd Dec a couple of years ago but there was freezing rain and the airport closed for about 3 hours. When it re-opened we boarded flight and waited for 2 hours. We were then told there weren't enough de-icers to de-ice plane so we had to get off. Exactly the same happened again a couple of hours later. The flight was then cancelled. We managed to re-book on the flight the next day (xmas eve) but only beacuse we had the kids with us and were given priority. We were put up in hotel for the night and arrived at airport next day and flight was delayed for 7 hours due to snow. 31 hours after we were due to leave we took off. Our yongest was crying because he thought he would miss Santa. It was a nightmare. Eventualy got home at 10pm on Xmas eve. Moral...never go away just before xmas. On the flip side insurance paid out and got back more than we paid for the flights.
Scrub my earlier post where I detailed two long delays at airports. I've just remembered a flight from Athens to Heathrow in the 80s which took 36 hours to complete. Everything was going fine until we were approaching UK air space. Heavy snow at Heathrow resulted in being diverted to Brussels. After several hours hanging about there the situation at Heathrow didn't improve and the crew had exceeded their hours anyway so we were put up at a hotel in central Brussels. We were collected at 7 am the following day but the flight didn't take off until the early evening.
Had my flight back from La Manga cancelled because of the ash cloud a few years back, stayed for an extra 3 days before getting a 30 hour coach journey home.

Sat on a plane for 6 hours in Calgary once and had to make an unplanned stop in Iceland because the crew ran out of hours, nightmare journey
Bollocks to delayed flights!
my train home after the Fulham game last season was delayed by 5 hours, and it was fucking baltic!

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