What's the longest you've had a flight delayed?

During gulf war 1,we were in Kusadasi and all went well until we went to leave and because Izmir is a joint airforce base,we got an eight hour delay.
Whilst USAF bombed the fuck out of Saddam's republican guard,we got slaughtered in the bar and when we came to check in the bird knocked two of us back.
Four hours later we got on a plane to Manchester,only problem was that I lived in Acton in London at the time,after the train ride down I slept for 14 hours.
The cookie monster said:
Have a read of martinsmoney saver
My sister is currently claiming back on 4 or 5 flights she has been delayed on over 3 hours in the last 7 years

Fill your boots
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/travel/flight-delays" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/travel/flight-delays</a>

Was just about to post this. Not the bit about a sister though. I don't have one.
13 hours at Kuala Lumpur, flying Air Asia X to Stansted. sat in McDonalds for an hour then went to the check in desk to find out we were being put up in a hotel.

Missed a connecting flight from Sydney, by about 15 minutes, and had to wait 8 hours for the next flight to Tasmania.
11 hours coming back from Florida about 20 years ago.

The next longest was 8 hours going from Baghdad to Amman about 30 years ago. At that time the Iraq-Iran war was going on and flights in and out of Baghdad were only allowed at night. If the flight had been delayed another half an hour I'd have been stuck another 12 hours or so until it was dark again.
4 days from Kos
Supposed to be collected by coach at 2 am never arrived
No joys with contacting reps so got taxi to airport when we arrived big row going on at check in company had gone bust and had over booked plane by 8 seats
An abta agent sorted us hotel and arranged flight but good job I had credit card with me as I had spent up
Was in Helsinki a few years ago when the volcano went off, was supposed to be flying home on the Monday but didn't end up leaving until the Friday. Work paid me still too!

Then last year, there was some bad fog at Amsterdam airport so ended up waiting 24hrs for a flight out.
17 hours late Sydney to London after the plane made an emergency landing in Wuhan, China due to smoke in the cockpit. Kept for 8 hours at the gate there as they wouldn't let us into the terminal (not that it mattered much as it was 2am on a Sunday), finally got out on a domestic flight back to Hong Kong, then another 7 hours waiting in Hong Kong (fortunately with lounge access) for the rest of the passengers to arrive on a later domestic. The original plane was actually checked out and returned to Hong Kong before we left.

On a previous flight on the same route, 2 hours late out of Sydney after an instrument was found not to be working, had to divert from Abu Dhabi due to fog and landed at Al Ain (not a whole lot there - the only flight leaving was to Mecca). Kept at the gate for 3 hours waiting for the relief crew to drive down, they got onboard, and the instrument failed again so had to wait for another 4 hours for a new instrument to be sent down.

Air travel's great, but when it goes wrong, it really goes wrong...
Skashion said:
2 days in Philly en-route to Vegas. I made the most of it though and had a good look around Philly which I likely never would have done otherwise.

Did the same a few years ago,had 12 hours to kill
Ended up doing the sad run up rockys steps :)

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