Whats your weird phobia

casualdeyna said:
brian the blue said:
Don't know if it's a phobia as such, but I simply cannot eat any food that is meant to be hot but its cold. Prime example is if someone gave me a cold ham and cheese sandwich I simply wouldn't be able to eat it, but if someone gave me a ham and cheese toastie i'd be all over it.

Probably just means i'm a weird eater but it applies to all kinds of food, like cold chicken, cold leftoveer pizza etc...

I know a bloke who can only eat his food if they don't come in to contact with each other, for example he can eat chips, and he can eat beans, but he can't eat a chip with a bean on it.

me and the wife pissing ourselves at this, and the others.

I know a l;ot of French men that do that witht their food.
standing on a balcony of a high rise, theres some kind of weird shit makes me wonder about jumping when I look down
mcfcfaz said:
vulcan said:
mcfcfaz said:
I have a phobia of stepping on 3 manhole covers ,it has to be 2 or i have to walk around them .

That is OCD, not a phobia!
No its to do with odds and evens .

Repetitive, intrusive thoughts about stepping on odd number manhole cover giving rise to anxiety =Obsession
Walking around odd number manhole covers = Compulsion > relieve anxiety from obsessive thoughts

BTW, it is not necessarily a disorder ( the D in OCD). Obsessive traits are most common personality traits. The right amount is usually seen in highly successful people :)
gaudinho's stolen car said:
stonerblue said:
Under water next to something big like an oil rig or a massive yacht.

Being on a sinking boat in the middle of an ocean.

Anywhere in the sea that i can't touch the bottom.

The sea.

All day this. In the sea next to an oil tanker or something, fuck that.

That's three of us if i count the poster with propellor phobia. There's about 5 weirdo lolly stick haters though.

great thread this.
As asked, who rubs thier teeth with fuckin sandpaper?
c4lv3rt said:
anymore than 2sheiks said:
I can't dive into water. When I was about 6 or 7 I dived into the shallow end by mistake and twatted my forehead on the tiles. Blood everywhere. Haven't been able to dive in since.

Wow thats horrible. I wouldn't say im afraid of diving into water but your tale reminded me of when i was in the Dominican, i ran from the beach to the pool to get the sand off my feet. I didnt dive i pencil jumped into what i thought was two metres but was infact two inches, needless to say i couldn't walk for 2 weeks.

My phobia is centipedes, horrible things make my skin crawl.
Oh and sand on my feet, i hate that :)

Haha, imagine what it would have been like if you dive bombed
nimrod said:
standing on a balcony of a high rise, theres some kind of weird shit makes me wonder about jumping when I look down

I get the same! I think of "what's the worst thing I could possibly do now?". This always gets me tempted to do it for some reason. On a ferry over the channel I kept telling myself that it'd be awful of me to go outside, and even consider going near the side. 10 minutes later I was leaning over the edge shitting myself.

Maybe it's just curiosity?
It's sort of turned into a worst fears thread this, so on that basis i'll add being stranded at the top of 'The Big One' and having to make your way down by climbing. I'd rather fucking jump to my death in all honesty. I can feel my body tensing up now just thinking of it.
LOL ^^<br /><br />-- Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:53 pm --<br /><br />women that wear tons tons tons of make up, well yes the doll look is sexy from a distance but some times when you get close to them the smell like a mix of cheap stripper and a wet monkey.
balkanno said:
LOL ^^

-- Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:53 pm --

women that wear tons tons tons of make up, well yes the doll look is sexy from a distance but some times when you get close to them the smell like a mix of cheap stripper and a wet monkey.


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