Whats your weird phobia

Pigeonho said:
Tricky_Trev said:
No phobias, but i do have an OCD thing going on. I literally CANNOT have the volume on my TV set to an odd number. Even if 22 is too quiet and 24 is too loud, i will not put it on 23.
I'm the same with the tv, but it has to be a number that 3 can be divided into. Usually 27 or 30, 33 if its a film or the footie. How fucking sad eh?
I also have to stare at my kids photo's each night before I go up to bed, plus whenever I lock my phone I look at them both, (on the screen), and if I don't get an eyeshot which has both of them equally, I have to start again. I'm not fucking joking either. Looking at the time in the night is a right **** as I can be 10 minutes making sure i've looked at them both the same amount of time.
I'm a right fucking weirdo me boys!
Fucking hell, we are quite similar then! Mine is that when a City game is advertised on TV, i have to stare ONLY at "Man City" if i accidentally glance to the other side of the "v" at our opponents name, i have to rewind to the start of the advert and do it again. I am fucked up.
People biting ice, the thought of myself biting ice with any of my teeth makes me cringe and feel uncomfortable, I cant watch or hear anyone else do it if it can be avoided. I even had a nightmare once about eating ice.
Tricky_Trev said:
Pigeonho said:
Tricky_Trev said:
No phobias, but i do have an OCD thing going on. I literally CANNOT have the volume on my TV set to an odd number. Even if 22 is too quiet and 24 is too loud, i will not put it on 23.
I'm the same with the tv, but it has to be a number that 3 can be divided into. Usually 27 or 30, 33 if its a film or the footie. How fucking sad eh?
I also have to stare at my kids photo's each night before I go up to bed, plus whenever I lock my phone I look at them both, (on the screen), and if I don't get an eyeshot which has both of them equally, I have to start again. I'm not fucking joking either. Looking at the time in the night is a right **** as I can be 10 minutes making sure i've looked at them both the same amount of time.
I'm a right fucking weirdo me boys!
Fucking hell, we are quite similar then! Mine is that when a City game is advertised on TV, i have to stare ONLY at "Man City" if i accidentally glance to the other side of the "v" at our opponents name, i have to rewind to the start of the advert and do it again. I am fucked up.

that is weird.

a few years ago all my mates used to get the train to city and my dad and brother used to drive. i used to take it in turns to go with both parties every other game but every time i got the train with the mates we'd lose so i told them all i wasn't going to go with them anymore, at first they were like wtf? but then by the end of the season they were saying good move because it seemed to work lol.
Damocles said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Damocles said:

Google Image it.

fuck no.

I know what you're like, you can explain it first.

It means that asymmetrical holes (usually with something in them) make you incredibly uncomfortable and itchy.

It's ten times more horrific than that makes it sound.

As I say, google image it


I'm a broken man. It just sent me west.
This is more in the obsessive compulsive disorder category. I have all my clocks set at exactly one hour and twelve minutes fast. I have no idea why but I feel extremely uncomfortable if they're not. When the clocks change I go haywire!

There's shitloads more, too. Quite worrying really.
Tricky_Trev said:
Pigeonho said:
Tricky_Trev said:
No phobias, but i do have an OCD thing going on. I literally CANNOT have the volume on my TV set to an odd number. Even if 22 is too quiet and 24 is too loud, i will not put it on 23.
I'm the same with the tv, but it has to be a number that 3 can be divided into. Usually 27 or 30, 33 if its a film or the footie. How fucking sad eh?
I also have to stare at my kids photo's each night before I go up to bed, plus whenever I lock my phone I look at them both, (on the screen), and if I don't get an eyeshot which has both of them equally, I have to start again. I'm not fucking joking either. Looking at the time in the night is a right **** as I can be 10 minutes making sure i've looked at them both the same amount of time.
I'm a right fucking weirdo me boys!
Fucking hell, we are quite similar then! Mine is that when a City game is advertised on TV, i have to stare ONLY at "Man City" if i accidentally glance to the other side of the "v" at our opponents name, i have to rewind to the start of the advert and do it again. I am fucked up.
Same here mate, seriously! Infact, remember the shit score board at Maine Road which had Kit Symons on it? Well when we were playing shit, (which was all the time), I used to look at that fucking scoreboard and focus only on the shirt Kit was wearing, then I would blink but not open my eyes, (so the image was burned into my head), then open my eyes in the hope I would open them on a City player. If I opened them on the opposition i'd have to do it all again. I bet the fans sat next to me thought I was a right fucking twat!
Got loads of shit going on like that me.
gazhinio said:
Could end up in the classics this one lol
Mine is a strange one indeed...lolly-sticks!
If im eating an ice-lolly in the summer, I have to wrap the plastic wrapper around the stick...cant stand the feel of the lolly-stick in my fingers!!
Always been the same, even as a kid!
Do I win? ha ha ; )
This is mine! Cant fucking stand them. I feel sick thinking about it.
Under water next to something big like an oil rig or a massive yacht.

Being on a sinking boat in the middle of an ocean.

Anywhere in the sea that i can't touch the bottom.

The sea.

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