When Boris met Dave.

Cameron is also a cock sucking eton bummer boy who worships at the alter of thatcher and he will make sure the mates he drunk champers with there are looked after whilst the rest of us suffer should the smug **** become prime minister.

Back on topic.

I'm looking forward to watching this tonight, hopefully will portray boris as the smartarse he really is.
Gelsons Dad said:
Cameron heavily into the smiths at uni.

How many bluemooners happy to hear that?

Cameron's great, I saw a bit of news coverage of him with his shirt sleeves rolled up, no tie and sipping from a bottle of Corona. He's the real deal!
I'm sure when Mozzer said "you can pin and mount me like a butterfly", it struck a real chord with young David.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Gelsons Dad said:
Cameron heavily into the smiths at uni.

How many bluemooners happy to hear that?

Just goes to show how some people can listen to music but not actually hear it.

Music is words that go together with a beat. When can you deluded smith fans realise that. What Morrisey sings means fuck all, it's words and beats, that's it, no hidden meaning, no hidden messages.
These two running the country with their over-privileged class mates like a big game of Monopoly frightens the living daylights out of me.

I wonder what would happen if you took 10 or so lads from my class at school and asked them to run the country?
when cameron was asked in a live interview several years ago what his favourite smiths album was - he could not name one and gave some pathetic excuse like "it is very difficult to find smiths albums in record shops these days " ? now as he is supposed to be a diehard smiths fan, he was obviously (not for the first time - and certainly not the last ) talking complete bollocks ! as politics really sunk so low that "lord snooty and his pals " are the only option ? as for boris - i personally piss myself laughing evertime he appears on tv , the man is a complete buffoon , who the fuck anyone could ever vote for him is beyond me.
bronco said:
when cameron was asked in a live interview several years ago what his favourite smiths album was - he could not name one and gave some pathetic excuse like "it is very difficult to find smiths albums in record shops these days " ? now as he is supposed to be a diehard smiths fan, he was obviously (not for the first time - and certainly not the last ) talking complete bollocks ! as politics really sunk so low that "lord snooty and his pals " are the only option ? as for boris - i personally piss myself laughing evertime he appears on tv , the man is a complete buffoon , who the fuck anyone could ever vote for him is beyond me.

Boris is a very clever man and should not be underestimated.

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