When Boris met Dave.

mat said:
bronco said:
when cameron was asked in a live interview several years ago what his favourite smiths album was - he could not name one and gave some pathetic excuse like "it is very difficult to find smiths albums in record shops these days " ? now as he is supposed to be a diehard smiths fan, he was obviously (not for the first time - and certainly not the last ) talking complete bollocks ! as politics really sunk so low that "lord snooty and his pals " are the only option ? as for boris - i personally piss myself laughing evertime he appears on tv , the man is a complete buffoon , who the fuck anyone could ever vote for him is beyond me.

Boris is a very clever man and should not be underestimated.

i think you need to elaborate on this "very clever man " theory ?
Immaculate Pasta said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Just goes to show how some people can listen to music but not actually hear it.

Music is words that go together with a beat. When can you deluded smith fans realise that. What Morrisey sings means fuck all, it's words and beats, that's it, no hidden meaning, no hidden messages.

I know there are no hidden messages, Morrissey is blatant not subtle.

I just find it weird that a evil Tory could associate or relate in anyway to a working class Mancunian band that tried to be good people and have some values.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
Music is words that go together with a beat. When can you deluded smith fans realise that. What Morrisey sings means fuck all, it's words and beats, that's it, no hidden meaning, no hidden messages.

I know there are no hidden messages, Morrissey is blatant not subtle.

I just find it weird that a evil Tory could associate or relate in anyway to a working class Mancunian band that tried to be good people and have some values.

I think it's the romantic Northern images of iron bridges and punctured bicycles that appealed to an impressionable young David who was trying to pretend he was poor at Uni. A la "Common people" by Pulp.
Swales lives said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I know there are no hidden messages, Morrissey is blatant not subtle.

I just find it weird that a evil Tory could associate or relate in anyway to a working class Mancunian band that tried to be good people and have some values.

I think it's the romantic Northern images of iron bridges and punctured bicycles that appealed to an impressionable young David who was trying to pretend he was poor at Uni. A la "Common people" by Pulp.

Yeah you're probably right. In the words of The Beatles he was a 'Daytripper'. I remember Boris Johnson saying he liked The Clash, it just doesn't make any sense to me for a Tory to enjoy the music of a band who filled practically every song with left wing rhetoric. I'm not saying you have to copy the band members to enjoy a band but surely it stands to reason that a bland right wing middle class tool should enjoy bland middle class music such as Coldplay?
You lot crack me up. Talk about stereotyping! Just because he came from a priveliged background he is a toff FFS! Harman went to the same public school as Osbourne - is one a labour heroine and the other just a twat because of politics?

And how on earth are all Tories evil? Because your Dad told you they were? grow up and look at these debates seriously and then make you mind up
bronco said:
mat said:
Boris is a very clever man and should not be underestimated.

I think you need to elaborate on this "very clever man " theory ?

He comes across a your stereotypical toff but he's pulling a lot of the string in the current tory movement. His speech at this years conference showed the shred operator he is.
Ronnie the Rep said:
You lot crack me up. Talk about stereotyping! Just because he came from a priveliged background he is a toff FFS! Harman went to the same public school as Osbourne - is one a labour heroine and the other just a twat because of politics?

And how on earth are all Tories evil? Because your Dad told you they were? grow up and look at these debates seriously and then make you mind up

To be honest, I imagine in a one on one situation Hitler was a decent bloke and a good laugh and I'm sure Cameron would ok too in small doses but I would never trust a tory and that's just the way I am and the way I was raised. I'm a working class northern lad and as such my politics can only be to the left. It's just nature, a black guy will likely never vote BNP, a Jewish guy will never really want to know a Nazi and a working class northerner will never want to play with the enemy.

I can't remember who said it, possibly Marx but to paraphrase whoever it was 'I hate a man who respects his executioner'.


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