When was the last time you soiled yourself?

glynn said:
When I was 18, I worked security for my uncle on a fairly large building site ...

...I walked back to the cabin crying my eyes out when i got there my uncles sat feet up brew in hand. i remember it this day. he turned to me and said Glynn whats up? to which I replied " I've fucking shit myself" I never worked on that site again!!!

At 18?!! Was it really that traumatic?

Haven't got time to read back through 19 pages but is the story on here about the young copper shitting his uniform trousers whilst running to try and reach the toilet in time whilst on duty at a game at Old Trafford?
gaudinho's stolen car said:
This has got to go in the Classics. Didsbury Dave kicking his door down in a fit of superhuman strength because he needed a shit that much is my personal highlight.

didsbury dave is a twat.
When was the last time I soiled myself?

Well, I'll have to ring up my 75 yr old mum. She probably has the event noted in one of her old diaries from the 1960s. It'll be in there along with my first tooth etc.

She might even have a photo.

I'll get back to you.

It's too late to call her tonight.

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