When we were kids....

First girlfriend I ever had had a thick hairy bush. One of my mates said girls liked it licking. Well I went to give it a go and she must of been menstral, smelt like Grimsby docks. Put me off for a while trying that.

Fingered a girl at a party in the late 70's. Remember thinking that she was a bit wet, it was dark, and smelt of copper. It was only when I went to wash my hands after that I saw the full horror. An Eagles album was playing, I remember that much, I also remember her saying after "I'd have let you fuck me if I wasn't on the blob." It them dawned on me.
It's like a fucking reptile house in there, so fucking hot. Only time I've been in there was when we still lived on the good side of the Pennines. My lad was competing in a Karate competition that was being held there and he went for a swim afterwards.
Glad you found her alright mate. I would hav
Glad you found her alright mate. I would have fucking shit myself, and then grounded her for a month.
Cheers mate. She looked like she knew she'd done wrong when she was found. I was just so relieved tbh.
We (Winsford, Mid/Cheshire) had our own mate and what a brilliant time as kids and teenagers we had there.Even now people still talk about the place and what we used to get up to in the late 1950s - 1970s.Place has long been shut, but you can`t erase the memories Barcon.I honestly remember my Mum and Dad my best mate and his Mum and Dad taking us to an outdoor baths right by Ringway Airport way back in either the very late 1950`s or early 1960`s.
Must have been the 60s as I also spent a family day there
We (Winsford, Mid/Cheshire) had our own mate and what a brilliant time as kids and teenagers we had there.Even now people still talk about the place and what we used to get up to in the late 1950s - 1970s.Place has long been shut, but you can`t erase the memories Barcon.I honestly remember my Mum and Dad my best mate and his Mum and Dad taking us to an outdoor baths right by Ringway Airport way back in either the very late 1950`s or early 1960`s.
Don't remember an outdoor pool next to Ringway but there was one called the galleon not too far away in Parrswood.
If we didn't have the money to get in there the red rock pool just off the Mersey was a good bet.
Throwing pennies against the wall, nearest keeper, for the life of me can't remember what it was called

Edit just read a few posts up, simple pleasures, including green flash too, must be similar age.
We used to call it pitch and toss. Great game, if you won.
Trying to get someone to pass you a beer out of the pub window.
when I and a couple of other mates were 15, we used to go in a local pub with our school uniform on. Ray the landlord obviously knew we were under age but needed the money. He'd serve us a sneaky pint of bitter(32p) and usher us off into a side poolroom. We'd only have 2 or 3 and a few games of pool. Happened quite a few times but he insisted it was best not to go in again in school uniform.
when I and a couple of other mates were 15, we used to go in a local pub with our school uniform on. Ray the landlord obviously knew we were under age but needed the money. He'd serve us a sneaky pint of bitter(32p) and usher us off into a side poolroom. We'd only have 2 or 3 and a few games of pool. Happened quite a few times but he insisted it was best not to go in again in school uniform.

Remember when we were about 15 riding our pushies from Sale to the Railway at Broadheath. 33p for a pint of Boddies, 15 1/2p for a half. Parked our bikes outside in full view and cool as fuck sauntered in and asked for a ' pint of beer please mate' The landlords face was a picture......
More specifically, throwing the knife to the outside of your mates foot thus spreading their feet wider. I remember showing my boys this and my (ex) wife nearly had a fit....
I said the same to my lad and he couldn't believe we did it .I used to use a 7 inch hunting knife !
Strange thing was no one got hurt.
Imagine if your kids came in and said they were playing it now

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