When we were kids....

chucking aerosols on fires, sharing apples and pop,playin skilly,up all night bommy guarding,nicking apples getting chased off bobbys and countless other things.. oh why do we have to grow old :(

We used to light huge fires in the clay pits behind Briscoe lane and throw big sheets of asbestos on them that we ripped off the sides of the garages behind the school.
And by "ripped off the sides" I mean, they were the sides.

Pogo'ing at the local youth clubs to Gerry Raferty because they wouldn't play Slaughter and the dogs.
Remember the cards that had cars or motobikes on and you'd play by comparing top speed or engine capacity, I seem to remember one set was fighter planes
Paying 10/- (thats 10 bob) for a season ticket for our outdoor swimming baths,from the end of May until the beginning of September and being able to use it as often as you wanted. Many a day I`ve spent there from 9.00 am - 9.00 pm,irrespective of what the weather was like.
still miss Bonfire wars

That was always my favourite time of year. The weeks leading up to Bonfire night were fantastic. Collecting wood, raiding other gangs bonfires and burning what you couldn't carry back. Defending your own stash of wood and leaving a lookout when you went in for tea. Everyone would rush out when you got told your bommie was being raided and if they were still around it would always involve a bit of a ruck.
We used to nip over to the railway lines and bring back the stones they used for ballast. Put one stone in the centre of two sheets of tabloid paper, then wrap the paper around and twist it all together, light it and lob it. We used to make loads of em before we went on raids. We never managed to set any bommies on fire with them, but they looked fantastic in flight, especially at night.
Me and a mate rode our mopeds (yamaha fizzies of course) into a youth club dance one time, wheel spinning and choking the place up with two stroke fumes...well 'ard we were

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