When / why did you become a City fan?

When i started Primary School (which was Juniors back then, moving on from Infants school) in around 1989/1990. As i was in a predominantly white area, i was one of about 3 kids that were not white. So when i made a friend and his family were massive blues, i made my choice to kind of fit in. Once you're in, you're in for life.
Following on from the "When Did You Become a City Fan?" Why?

Mine was a couple of competing family members. As cousins and younger lads, they used to go to all the matches together at Maine Rd and The Swamp. Both took me to a few matches to try and get me interested. But it wasn't until I did Maine Rd at a midweek match that I caught the bug. It was Colin Bell's testimonial game and there was just something different about a night match for a young kid - exciting, scary, late night on a school night, not quite sure what the attraction was, but The Rags never got a look in after that game.
If “when” is the first time you went to see City “on your own” (without parental or carer oversight) the my “when” was August 1962 at Maine Road vs newly promoted LiVARpool and City were relegated- and so it began !!!!!

My earliest memory is the Cup Finals of 55 and 56 .

What a privilege to have seen the last ten years

Come on City
Bet there's a few who answer the same.

My dad's a City fan so I didn't get a choice!

I was taken to Maine Road at around 3 years old, sat in the North stand cos I was too small for the Kippax. As a side note both my daughters were taken at a similar age, one to sit on the Kippax and one to the Etihad.
I early as I can remember, old fella and grandad big blues and it was just as simple as that, whole childhood was dominated by football even before I was old enough to play for a team or been to a game I was down on the field with my dad shooting at him and I was never not in my City kit, can remember getting the new kit for Christmas and sulking cos I wasn’t allowed to wear it to church that day
Sticking all stickers of the City players to my bedroom door In the positions they played and getting a bollocking

I know a lot have had the same experience but I was the only blue at school and amongst my mates but it was ingrained in me even then and I would never back down
I do think I’ve missed out on some good times late teens/early 20s never having any City mates to go to games and away games with on the piss, it’s always been me and my dad ( yes I know I’ll treasure those times ) but sometimes as a young lad you want to go and be with you mates but I can say now I’m pretty sure their will never be a red born into my family while I’m about
There were many times in the 90s when repeatedly asked myself that very question.

For me it was simple. My dad first took me to see City when I was 5. I saw he loved it and as with many other things there probably an inner drive within me to please him, what made him happy was good enough for me. So that probably explains the "why" I loved the experience of going with him, the stench of bovril and eating wagon wheels. I loved the noise I cant really say I enjoyed the footie itself as my eyes were shot to pieces and hadnt been diagnosed then so I basically saw light blue blurs for most of game and couldnt even see from Platt Lane to North Stand.

It wasnt till I was 8 that I would called myself a fan, starting asking for kits for Christmas (from Sugg Sports in Stockport remember that!??) I think Johnny Bonds cup run with their perms and dodgy tashes finally grabbed me "as a fan" and I was hooked from then on. The Spurs FA cup final when I was 8 was the first time Id really experienced highs and lows of being a supporter.
My birth father and older brother are reds and took me to Old Trafford for a season around 1987. Then, my parents separated and my Mum met who I now call my Dad who is a blue.

For a few months, each of my Dads would take me to watch whoever was at home.

There were a number of lads in school who "supported" two teams. One who liked United and Villa, one who liked United and Forest, one who liked United and Everton.

We were playing football one break time and one of my classmates picked up the ball and shouted everyone in. He said that we all needed to choose the team we would support forever and couldn't pick two teams.

We ended up with 2 Liverpool fans, 1 Everton, 1 Villa, the rest United. I was at the end of the line and just said "City".
Blimey, hat's off to you, as that's when we really began to slide down the long slippery slope - you saw all the shite, so you deserve more than most to see all this success now.
Cried all the way home in the car with my dad. To be fair he is the one who deserves the medal as he wasn’t even a City fan back then (wrexham fan) yet for years in the 80’s and 90’s he took me to so many games. That must have been even more painful for him.
I am not proud saying this, but started off as a scum fan (was only 6 or 7) when they got relegated to the old 2nd division I changed my allegiance to City and have never looked back CTID

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