When / why did you become a City fan?

How do we feel about being a blue for life? City till I die and all that, but if we go a couple of years without winning the league when pep goes I might have a rethink.
Assuming he doesn’t extend his contract we’ve got 12 months to pick our next team. I might wait and see who wins the Champions League next season
Was raised in Sussex, a rag stronghold but with both parents born and raised in Manchester and the rest of my family still in Stretford and Chorlton. Was taken to watch the rags a few times as they were decent in the 90s so I've been told, but then my Mum took us to Maine Road and I just fell in love, and always preferred blue. Was around 97 the love affair began, and boy did it take some time for that call to pay off but it's been wonderful.

Season ticket followed in the 2000s and whilst at uni before I gave it up halfway through the 2010/11 season and went to Oz for a couple of years missing the FA Cup win and Aguero moment. Returned to pick up where I left off with a trip to the cup final against Wigan. Can't remember how that one went.

Love your sense of timing. You seem to be deliberately avoiding all the good bits. (Or is it that a genuine blue is always happiest being miserable?) Nobody whatsoever could accuse you of being a glory hunter. Did you by any chance go on a cruise to Antarctica in May/June 2023?

I went to Maine Road in '55. We beat Blackpool. The thing that momentarily captured my imagination was the TANGERINE shirts of the opposition. We battered 'em 2-0 - Don Revie 'n the maestro from Selkirk!

Incidentally, the thing that really strikes me. According to the excellent History section of this forum, the attendance was as near as nothing to 64,000. And that is of course without counting all the kids who were being lifted over the turnstiles with the connivance of the guy taking the money.
Yeah, no history, no fans. Riiiight…
1st year in senior school in 1967, mum offered me a hand-me-down Arsenal Shirt for PE (we had moved out of North London in 1960; two elder brothers one Spurs the other Arsenal), wasn't having it so I got a brand new City shirt having been seduced by the Holy Trinity.
Love your sense of timing. You seem to be deliberately avoiding all the good bits. (Or is it that a genuine blue is always happiest being miserable?) Nobody whatsoever could accuse you of being a glory hunter. Did you by any chance go on a cruise to Antarctica in May/June 2023?


I couldn't even watch the Stoke final, was in the middle of nowhere in Oz everywhere shut. Had to get text updates from my Mum then watch in an internet cafe the next day. Few tears shed! The Wigan game did bring a lot of superstition about staying away but I have broken the curse so all good now.

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