When you are drunk

i really completly ripped off BimboBob convo with this so sorry BimboBob

Stranger: hi
You: hello dave
Stranger: hi katie
You: you owe me money dave
Stranger: no
Stranger: only smarrties
You: ah yes
Stranger: purple ones
You: 50 purple smarties
Stranger: that's right
You: well where are they
Stranger: in my stomach
You: what? i though they were mine
Stranger: yea..
Stranger: they are so good
Stranger: i just couldn't control myself..had to eat them
Stranger: sorry
You: its understandable
Stranger: i'm glad you're so forgiveful
You: unlike some people
Stranger: yep
Stranger: bye bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: where are you from
Stranger: from?
You: manchester
You: you
You: hello
Stranger: istanbul
You: nice
You: i should have been there tonight
Stranger: why
You: for uefa cup final
You: hello
Stranger: yes
You: male/female or not sure
Stranger: f
Stranger: im sure:)
You: how
Stranger: im sure about im female
You: how tho
You: im not sure if im human
You: you dont say much
Stranger: :)9

You: ?
Stranger: what
You: say something
Stranger: ask
You: i think im a inflatable beach ball
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: your age*
You: 33
You: but inflate to 30 cm
You: your age
Stranger: 20
You: shouldnt you be washing up
You: as your female
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
RyantheBlue said:
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: lol
You: lol
Stranger: hi
You: hiya
You: asl?
Stranger: 24 m
You: you missed the 'l'
Stranger: china
You: you know Sun Jihai
You: ?
Stranger: yes football player
You: used to play for....?
Stranger: you like him?
You: no he's a twat, but the team he used to play for...
You: are..
Stranger: sorry i don't used intrest about that
Stranger: he's famous
You: can you say
You: "BimboBob is a legend, along with Robbo. because he made me laugh earlier" on behalf of me please
You: pleeease
Stranger: why ?
Stranger: bimbobob is who?
You: BimboBob is a legned...
You: along with Robbo.
You: because he made me laugh earlier
You: thats it just rpeat that
Stranger: well i can
Stranger: but dose it make sence?
You: yes
Stranger: you're ?
You: repeat it and ill tell you
You: you wont get eaten by a dragon or owt
Stranger: BimboBob is a legend, along with Robbo. because he made me laugh earlier
Stranger: i said
Stranger: now tell me
You: im gonna show this conv to people on Bluemoon and say i got a 24 year old Chinese guy to say it :)
You: thanks mate
Stranger: what's you country ?
You: It's the moon, the blue moon
Stranger: e..
Stranger: your asl?
You: i told you already goddd keep up
You: im off anyway
You: inashiz
You have disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

Another good'n. Sleep time now, Night x

pmsl!! god i feel dead famous now lol
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: male female
You: both?
You: well done
You: although you can have an operation these days
You: its cheap
You: i think on the nhs
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Didsbury Dave said:
Wierd, possibly homosexual Yank knows Vincent Kompany.....read on...

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi~
You: Is that Donna?
Stranger: asl
You: What?
Stranger: no,im not donna
You: Who are you then?
Stranger: im human beings
You: I'm noy. At least that's what my doctor said.
You: I'm typing from the Planet Zog
Stranger: which country?
You: You know it? Zerphadingding
Stranger: is that a country's name?
You: Yes, on the Planet Zog. You humans know very little, don't you?
Stranger: wow,so should i call you Mr.ET
You: You've got it, Earthling. What's your name?
Stranger: Youmans,and u?
Stranger: dont tell me ET is your name:D
You: It's my initials. Extra is my first name, actually
Stranger: wow~cool
You: I'm looking for someone interested in being abducted. Nothing serious. Just a few probes in intimate places
Stranger: how could you use the internet?
Stranger: i dont want to be abducted~
You: You'd like it. Are you a man or a woman?
Stranger: man,and u
You: Alien - I told you
Stranger: you must have sexual
You: sexual? What does this mean?
Stranger: male or female
Stranger: or something different kind of...
You: Aha, you mean me. I'm both.
Stranger: oh my god....
Stranger: and how could you aliens to multiply?
You: We shag each other - what else? We aren't that different
Stranger: very interesting~
Stranger: sorry but i gonna go now
You: So can we abduct you tonight please, and we could try to make a human/Zogian hybrid
Stranger: i gonna go~
You: Too late. I have your barinwaves. I'll see youa round 3am. I'mthe one with the pointy ears and massive cock
Stranger: immediately
Stranger: seriously
Stranger: Mr.ET
Stranger: you real asl
You: You calling me an asshole makes no difference. I am coming tonight.
Stranger: come on~
Stranger: what's the tine now~
You: I've told you, I will. But you will not remember until you have one of those stupid American "Regression therepy" type sessions. Then it will all come back to you
Stranger: american guy~
You: What, youa re?
Stranger: you are
You: Good. It's always the Yanks who we abduct. Strange, really
You: thousands of the fuckers we've had over the years. Always dumb bastards, too. We do it so the rest of the wrold thinks you're crackers.
Stranger: ok,i see,and i will waiting for you~
Stranger: see you arould handsome~
Stranger: seriously, your jokes are not funny at all.
You: They are funny on Planet Zog. Tell me something funny, earthling
Stranger: the most funny things is
Stranger: today,i meet a guy on omegle
Stranger: and he lie to me
Stranger: he say he is from "planet zog:
Stranger: :D
You: God, you Earthlings are so slow witted. Is that the best you can do? I think I might try to abduct someone from alpha Centurai or something. At least you can have a beer and a laugh with them
You: and they like football. Who's your team?
Stranger: asenal~
Stranger: and u
Stranger: that's soccer
You: On Planet Zog we all support Manchester City
Stranger: Man city?
Stranger: they have so much money!!
Stranger: they can buy anyone in earth!
You: Correct, Earthling. The Arab owners on Manchester City are actually Zogonians who have mutated into human beings. We Zogonians are sick of Man United cheating their way to success and have decided to stop it
Stranger: its wont happened~
Stranger: the frist player Man.city should buy is C.Ronaldo
Stranger: Richards have nice furture
Stranger: kompany is good
You: good to hear you know something about God's own team.
Stranger: i like play football manger 2009~
You: Got to go know, Earthling. Cheers for that. But remember....Christian Ronaldo is a ****....whereever you live
You have disconnected.

He changed his tune as soon as you mentioned that apart from being just an alien, you also had "pointy ears" and a "massive cock".



I think you came off lightly there DB!
Stranger: hi
You: boyaaaaaa
Stranger: huh? lol
You: do you know superted?
You: genuine question
Stranger: was that like, a bear?
You: a super bear yes
Stranger: ah, score one lol
You: with spots
You: in a list of...thundercats, bananaman, and pro star....where would you rate super ted
You: ?
Stranger: i don't know them
Stranger: im retarded :P
You: im reminising from the 90s youth....regressing
You: ok ok, u a dude or lady?
Stranger: lady
Stranger: which is maybe why i never saw those shows
Stranger: i was born in '90
You: hmmmm, you missed the best part of youth tv, 1888 myself
Stranger: haha
You: ha...im 120
Stranger: yeah, noticed that. im surprised a person your age knows how to use a computer!
Stranger: and doesn't have rheumatoid arthritis!
Stranger: jk
You: i do .....its only my fingers that are still in operation.....
You: and hips
Stranger: haha
You: and tongue.....lol....everything else is immobile
Stranger: aw, how tragic :(
You: well, i can lick, flick and swivel my hips
Brilliant.....just had a funny one.....!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Are you a female over the age of 18 and wants to have Cam Sex on MSN?
You: bonjour
You: brilliant, copy and paste hey
You: erm yeah, why not
Stranger: o.k.
Stranger: how old?
You: 22
You: u?
Stranger: 23
Stranger: where from?
You: convinient.....uk
You: u?
Stranger: whats your email?
Stranger: USA
You: thoughtyouwereinthere@getalife.com/wrists
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 한국인이면응답하라
You: yeroooooo
Stranger: 한국인이면응답하라
Stranger: your crazy guy right?
You: nope
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: yeroooo
Stranger: Hi
You: whats happening?
Stranger: Someone set up us the bomb!
You: i just had a weird dream
Stranger: About what?
You: about a ghost
Stranger: What about that ghost?
You: i woke up with extoplasm in my pants
Stranger: Hahaha
Stranger: Funny
You: nice
Stranger: Umm what's nice?
You: this
Stranger: ...
You: i know we've only known each other for a while but i think im falling in love with u
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi.
Stranger: I'm a sex robo-cop, do you like anal?
You: no im a streight guy!
Stranger: It's ok baby, I'd still do you in the ass.
You: thats rape
Stranger: Don't worry, I got the pills.
You: still rape gayboy
You: are u gay?
Stranger: I'm Biosexual.
You: so yor gay but too scared to admit it
You: ***your
Stranger: I did admit...
You: that ur gay
Stranger: No, You're gay.
Stranger: LOL
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

ha ha gay
Stranger: Hi
You: Hi
You: how are you today
Stranger: Sleept until 10 and keept lying in bed until 16 wishing I had a girlfriend lying next to me and nothing intresting since then


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