When you are drunk

Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey, this is Ken Barlow
Stranger: hey im Lindsay lolx
You: Hey, :] , i live in England, where are you from Lindsay?
Stranger: Scotland :P
You: sweet, where abouts?
Stranger: Just down from Glasgow :P you?x
You: Ah thats cool. I live in Manchester, with my wife, Deirdre
You: in Weatherfield
Stranger: Ooo cool =]x
You: we only live our lives on one street though. Coronation Street. there's been a few murders in the past few years
You: i'm getting scared.
You: we live with my mother in law
You: Blanche
You: shes a nightmare
Stranger: im sure she would be
You: She has these big glasses, man, i don't like them
Stranger: you should tell her
You: I will, one day i'll snap. i did once...it's on youtube, to my embarassment, someone seems to have filmed it.
Stranger: haha
You: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQTp1vrDqt8" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQTp1vrDqt8</a>
Stranger: gtg:P
Stranger: night night x x x
BimboBob said:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: lets have a conversation through telepathy...
Stranger: ok

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

haha brilliant
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: city or united?
Stranger: ... what
You: city or united?
Stranger: both?
You: which are you?
You: one or the other
Stranger: united sounds better
You: FAIL you ****
You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: moi
You: City or United?
Stranger: öö
Stranger: tota
Stranger: city
You: Top man
Stranger: girl oikeastaan
You: what does "tota" mean?
You: top lady then :-)
Stranger: aw :>
Stranger: ihana ulkomaalainen
Stranger: ujjuj
Stranger: söpö
You: You are Finland? Miixu paatelainen? Jari Litmannen?
Stranger: yes finland :D
Stranger: i know jari litmanen, yes :>
You: I'll bet you are a very beautiful lady like most ladies from Finland :D
Stranger: omg thank you :>

I've omitted rest of conversation ... it was interesting though :-)
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: moi
You: City or United?
Stranger: öö
Stranger: tota
Stranger: city
You: Top man
Stranger: girl oikeastaan
You: what does "tota" mean?
You: top lady then :-)
Stranger: aw :>
Stranger: ihana ulkomaalainen
Stranger: ujjuj
Stranger: söpö
You: You are Finland? Miixu paatelainen? Jari Litmannen?
Stranger: yes finland :D
Stranger: i know jari litmanen, yes :>
You: I'll bet you are a very beautiful lady like most ladies from Finland :D
Stranger: omg thank you :>

I've omitted rest of conversation ... it was interesting though :-)
I knew I'd come up against someone on BM at some point! I was pissing my sides at the stuff you were writing, bit kinky eh fella?
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: City or United
You: m33 uk
Stranger: chinese here
You: ar e you City or ar eyou United mate?
You: sorry
You: my typing is bad
Stranger: never mind
You: Are you City or are you United?
Stranger: sorry, what u mean?
Stranger: City or United?
You: Do you like Manchester City or Manchester united?
Stranger: u mean football?
You: y
You: yes
You: well .... ????????????????????? which is it?
Stranger: okay, I like Beckham
Stranger: I know he is already left
Stranger: but I mean I like Manchester united
You: ****! only arseholes and idiotic sheep like man Utd! I hope you die in your sleep
You have disconnected.
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: City or United?
Stranger: heyy
Stranger: asl?
Stranger: Australia
You: Lol. I am england .... so,Man City or,Man Utd mate?
You: which is it bruce?
Stranger: girl
Stranger: I'm not fucking Bruce, what is it with use fucking fruities !!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

women eh?
You: City or United?
Stranger: united, van der sar plays there
Stranger: :p
You: ****!
Stranger: lol
Stranger: city sux
Stranger: accept it
You: lol
Stranger: well i am dutch, so what do i know about it:p
You: Hey,it's ok,I guessed yo umust be Dutch. Paul Bosvelt?
Stranger: yea i know him
Stranger: not a real good player, but not bad
You: He played for City for a while but,was past his best I think
Stranger: yes he played his top years at feyenoord i thnk
Stranger: city almost bought ruud van nistelrooy:p
You: I remember Feyenoord beat Man City 4-2 in a pre season game once. Maybe now Man City have Nigel De Jong you will look out for Man City instead of Man Utd?
Stranger: did they buy him? that prick from hsv and ajax :p
Stranger: i like van der sar more :P
You: why you say he is a prick?
Stranger: i dont like hime
You: why?
Stranger: he is arrogant
You: he have bad attitud eor something?
Stranger: yes
You: lol
You: ahh
You: I think City needed tough player like him though
Stranger: tough? he is like 1.5 meters
You: lol
You: he gets stuck in though
Stranger: well its a good player
Stranger: again not the best, but its nice to have him around
You: for us yes
You: he play for nederland national team?
Stranger: yes not always
You: oh ok
You: I must go now
Stranger: ok cya later
You: remember...
Stranger: city best?
You: got that right my friend ;-)
Stranger: :P
You: green street? NOOOOO!!!!!! Mayne line service crew ! they'll "tune" anyone in
Stranger: lol
You: see you late my friend
Stranger: cya
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: moi
You: City or United?
Stranger: öö
Stranger: tota
Stranger: city
You: Top man
Stranger: girl oikeastaan
You: what does "tota" mean?
You: top lady then :-)
Stranger: aw :>
Stranger: ihana ulkomaalainen
Stranger: ujjuj
Stranger: söpö
You: You are Finland? Miixu paatelainen? Jari Litmannen?
Stranger: yes finland :D
Stranger: i know jari litmanen, yes :>
You: I'll bet you are a very beautiful lady like most ladies from Finland :D
Stranger: omg thank you :>

I've omitted rest of conversation ... it was interesting though :-)
Noooooooooooooooooo want the rest LOL

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