where did the armchairs watch yesterday

Robbo. said:
Kestrelblue said:
Being a single dad of one, cant afford £100 plus to watch my team and get someone to look after my daughter. Really riles me being called an "armchair" just cos I cant go to every match, was there from the mid 70's and saw my team relegated to the lower tiers, still went, until she was born in the late 90's, then had to make a choice, daughter came first even though I follow city with a passion when i can on TV I am still a supporter and so's my daughter................ errr bedtime i think rant over

mate take no notice, a blue is a blue....you do what you can.

Cheers will do :-)
stonie said:
just wondering where the no shows (armchairs) watched the game yesterday, must admit uptill half time yesterday was a topday,anyway alcohol numbed the pain on the way home ...was nice to actually make it back on the bus this time but unfortunatly we had 1 who failed to find the bus lol (unlucky martin,know how you feel pal)

fuck all to do with you where any blue watched it pal
mancityvstoke said:
stonie said:
just wondering where the no shows (armchairs) watched the game yesterday, must admit uptill half time yesterday was a topday,anyway alcohol numbed the pain on the way home ...was nice to actually make it back on the bus this time but unfortunatly we had 1 who failed to find the bus lol (unlucky martin,know how you feel pal)

fuck all to do with you where any blue watched it pal

i didn't watch it at all,i'd been painting in the morning and spent the afternoon watching it dry
an armchair in tenerife ta

gave it large at 2 - 0 and gave it more when we finally capitulated

Champions 19 worn by 18 year olds

spot the irony
Sorting out my dad's funeral is that cool with you? had a ticket didn't go v+ it couldn't watch it when i got back.
WNRH said:
Watched it from Block 533 and it will be my last community shield game, will be watching any future ones from my armchair.

I take it you don't think city will qualify for this game then....I for one can't bare the thought of city playing at wembley and me not being there, waited far to long over years and years of watching city for me not to visit wembley and anyway we may not be back next year or the year after but got great memories of my three trips this year...
stonie said:
just wondering where the no shows (armchairs) watched the game yesterday, must admit uptill half time yesterday was a topday,anyway alcohol numbed the pain on the way home ...was nice to actually make it back on the bus this time but unfortunatly we had 1 who failed to find the bus lol (unlucky martin,know how you feel pal)

Good grief.

And I bet fans like you wonder why our club and it's fans get branded as having a small time mentality.

Well pardon me for not going, but I'm going abroad at the end of this month. But I take it that it doesn't matter if I watched it in my brand new £45 away shirt, because that's not supporting the club.

Fuck wit.
stonie said:
WNRH said:
Watched it from Block 533 and it will be my last community shield game, will be watching any future ones from my armchair.

I take it you don't think city will qualify for this game then....I for one can't bare the thought of city playing at wembley and me not being there, waited far to long over years and years of watching city for me not to visit wembley and anyway we may not be back next year or the year after but got great memories of my three trips this year...
ha 'qualify' pmsl
are you old enough to remember when you had to be invited to participate in this fixture?
this is why some older fans don't take it serious,the last time City 'qualified' for it they finished something like 10th the previous season and won fuck all,neither did Burnley.

'qualified' ffs
mancityvstoke said:
stonie said:
just wondering where the no shows (armchairs) watched the game yesterday, must admit uptill half time yesterday was a topday,anyway alcohol numbed the pain on the way home ...was nice to actually make it back on the bus this time but unfortunatly we had 1 who failed to find the bus lol (unlucky martin,know how you feel pal)

fuck all to do with you where any blue watched it pal

can ask what I want in so called free country pal, just the people get a bit defensive about why they didn't go to the game, must admit I did chuckle myself as I got a text from a red mate at wembley and I quote.." your end is a disgrace" I replied I know , what else can you say..
stonie said:
mancityvstoke said:
stonie said:
just wondering where the no shows (armchairs) watched the game yesterday, must admit uptill half time yesterday was a topday,anyway alcohol numbed the pain on the way home ...was nice to actually make it back on the bus this time but unfortunatly we had 1 who failed to find the bus lol (unlucky martin,know how you feel pal)

fuck all to do with you where any blue watched it pal

can ask what I want in so called free country pal, just the people get a bit defensive about why they didn't go to the game, must admit I did chuckle myself as I got a text from a red mate at wembley and I quote.." your end is a disgrace" I replied I know , what else can you say..
you could have said.....its only a friendly.....why are you obsessed?......have you got any stickers to swap?....etc

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