where did the armchairs watch yesterday

clowns pockets said:
stonie said:
mancityvstoke said:
fuck all to do with you where any blue watched it pal

can ask what I want in so called free country pal, just the people get a bit defensive about why they didn't go to the game, must admit I did chuckle myself as I got a text from a red mate at wembley and I quote.." your end is a disgrace" I replied I know , what else can you say..
you could have said.....its only a friendly.....why are you obsessed?......have you got any stickers to swap?....etc

yeah they are obsessed and I always remind them of the fact, some good text banter after the game but they had no answer to " still is and always will be 1-0 ya ya"
stonie said:
just wondering where the no shows (armchairs) watched the game yesterday, must admit uptill half time yesterday was a topday,anyway alcohol numbed the pain on the way home ...was nice to actually make it back on the bus this time but unfortunatly we had 1 who failed to find the bus lol (unlucky martin,know how you feel pal)
At home ta. Where did you watch the other pre-season games we played over the summer?

See you at Bolton? Oh and which Champions Lg away game will you be booking flights and accommodation for when draw is made [on 25th August] (any or a specific month)? Think I'm waiting to see who we get, although one of my mates can only go in October, so we'll see. Hope to see you there anyway!
stonie said:
just wondering where the no shows (armchairs) watched the game yesterday, must admit uptill half time yesterday was a topday,anyway alcohol numbed the pain on the way home ...was nice to actually make it back on the bus this time but unfortunatly we had 1 who failed to find the bus lol (unlucky martin,know how you feel pal)

Another superfan is born.....
stonie said:
mancityvstoke said:
stonie said:
just wondering where the no shows (armchairs) watched the game yesterday, must admit uptill half time yesterday was a topday,anyway alcohol numbed the pain on the way home ...was nice to actually make it back on the bus this time but unfortunatly we had 1 who failed to find the bus lol (unlucky martin,know how you feel pal)

fuck all to do with you where any blue watched it pal

can ask what I want in so called free country pal, just the people get a bit defensive about why they didn't go to the game, must admit I did chuckle myself as I got a text from a red mate at wembley and I quote.." your end is a disgrace" I replied I know , what else can you say..

it seems the obsession goes both ways especially concerning our own fans and attendances!
leewill31 said:
stonie said:
mancityvstoke said:
fuck all to do with you where any blue watched it pal

can ask what I want in so called free country pal, just the people get a bit defensive about why they didn't go to the game, must admit I did chuckle myself as I got a text from a red mate at wembley and I quote.." your end is a disgrace" I replied I know , what else can you say..

it seems the obsession goes both ways especially concerning our own fans and attendances!

yeah your correct in that but just wait till we only get 30,000 for a champions league game, could be some tasty threads then....but must admit the fishing has been good today....
stonie said:
leewill31 said:
stonie said:
can ask what I want in so called free country pal, just the people get a bit defensive about why they didn't go to the game, must admit I did chuckle myself as I got a text from a red mate at wembley and I quote.." your end is a disgrace" I replied I know , what else can you say..

it seems the obsession goes both ways especially concerning our own fans and attendances!

yeah your correct in that but just wait till we only get 30,000 for a champions league game, could be some tasty threads then....but must admit the fishing has been good today....

Pity you have little better to do other than try to wind up fellow blues.
You should try to be a little more constructive with your life.
80s Shorts said:
stonie said:
leewill31 said:
it seems the obsession goes both ways especially concerning our own fans and attendances!

yeah your correct in that but just wait till we only get 30,000 for a champions league game, could be some tasty threads then....but must admit the fishing has been good today....

Pity you have little better to do other than try to wind up fellow blues.
You should try to be a little more constructive with your life.

don't pity me, no need...I was there in our pittance of a crowd....but joking a side, I do genuinely understand why some didn't go financially and all that but it was the severity of the amount that stayed away....
Award goes to you for being number 1 blue then hey Stonie....!!

Fuck sake..can I ask you the following..were you at all of these games last season.?

Juve home-35k
Salzburg 37k

Notts County-27k

If you were then apologies to you but please do not call any no shows who didn't got to a fucking 2 bit pre-season friendly.YES that is what is was even though it was against our twatty neighbours.
I suggest you have a go at people who don't show for much more important games than the one on Sunday. If you have work,childcare or financial problems then I will never slag any blue off for not being able to make it,however the "well it's on tv and I can't be arsed should be ashamed really".
P.S - I went to all of the above but not Sunday.Why? because unfortunately my 2 yr old daughter can't quite look after herself at the moment! f.f.sake!

Can we just put this one to bed please!
stonie said:
80s Shorts said:
stonie said:
yeah your correct in that but just wait till we only get 30,000 for a champions league game, could be some tasty threads then....but must admit the fishing has been good today....

Pity you have little better to do other than try to wind up fellow blues.
You should try to be a little more constructive with your life.

don't pity me, no need...I was there in our pittance of a crowd....but joking a side, I do genuinely understand why some didn't go financially and all that but it was the severity of the amount that stayed away....

Or Bournemouth away not so very long ago......fishing for reactions by talking bollocks ..sad ****.

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