Where did you meet the Mrs thread...

Armitage said:
We first mate and subsequently dated whilst at college. Split up and lost touch for 15years until the wonder that is Facebook re-united us and the rest is history.
Similar-met 21 yrs ago in a pub-dillied and dallied for 4yrs-lost touch, found each other via friends reunited 8 yrs ago, fell out 6 mnth later-kept same email addresses (just in case for both) she contacted me 18 month ago been living together for over a year !
While living in Ellesmere Port , my mate called me and demanded that because i hadn't seen her for time that i meet up with her and her mates on her birthday night out in Castlefield back in August 1999 . So on the night , i jumped on a train from Chester to Piccadilly and made my way down to Castlefield . I met up with my mate and her crowd , one of who was my missus , we got talking , i took the piss out of her , and over 10 years later , as they say , the rest is history .
I'm so glad i dragged my sorry arse out that night , my life could've been so different ? It's all about impulse i guess ?
Stuart said:
While living in Ellesmere Port , my mate called me and demanded that because i hadn't seen her for time that i meet up with her and her mates on her birthday night out in Castlefield back in August 1999 . So on the night , i jumped on a train from Chester to Piccadilly and made my way down to Castlefield . I met up with my mate and her crowd , one of who was my missus , we got talking , i took the piss out of her , and over 10 years later , as they say , the rest is history .
I'm so glad i dragged my sorry arse out that night , my life could've been so different ? Its all about impulse I guess ?
That bloody body spray has a lot to answer for.....
-dabz- said:
Stuart said:
While living in Ellesmere Port , my mate called me and demanded that because i hadn't seen her for time that i meet up with her and her mates on her birthday night out in Castlefield back in August 1999 . So on the night , i jumped on a train from Chester to Piccadilly and made my way down to Castlefield . I met up with my mate and her crowd , one of who was my missus , we got talking , i took the piss out of her , and over 10 years later , as they say , the rest is history .
I'm so glad i dragged my sorry arse out that night , my life could've been so different ? It's all about impulse i guess ?
That bloody body spray has a lot to answer for.....
LOL , tell me about it .
Lived next door to her for a couple of years when I was 9, 10 then met again at youth club when I was 15 and started dating, married at 20 and still together now I'm 53.
On the internet!

A site (sadly defunct) called Uglyfootballers.com. Then when City played his team in the FA Cup, we met with a group, kept in touch and a year later started a relationship. He proposed, very drunk, via MSN, after England beat Turkey and 6 months later I moved up here to be with him. We'll have been married 5 years next month.
Originally went out with my missus in high school when we were 15. Left school and lost touch for about 7 years.

One christmas I saw her in the pub when she was home from Teeside Uni visiting Mom and Pops. I was rather drunk this christmas eve and we got chatting again, I walked (stumbled) her home and said i'd ring her. Met up boxing day for a few drinks and went on from there.
Started ou as a bit long distance (manchester to boro). We're getting married next year after 6 years together.

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