Where did you meet the Mrs thread...

Met her at work. I was a sales trainer for an outsourcing company and she was in one of the groups i trained. Trained her for 2 weeks and then finally had the balls to ask her out when we were in the pub on a Friday. Oh the days
NQT said:
It was love at first sight

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.hotrussianbrides.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.hotrussianbrides.com/</a>

Sweet Jesus ....... i think i'll dump the missus , she's over the hill now anyway , and go for one of those nice young ladies in that link of yours ....... some of those Ukraine gals are top notch!
Ronnie the Rep said:
aphex said:
bet she never bloody sees you tho.. galavanting around the globe and such!

HAHA that's the secret - absence makes the heart grow fonder! mind you it sometimes backfires. One time I got home late from a trip and my key didn't work cos she'd locked it. so I rang the doorbell and when she opend it she was standing there with the kids and just said "this man say's he is your Father but only I know the truth" and then shut the door! Left me standing there for ages - so I NEVER take her for granted :-)

well done to her. sounds like a women to be reckoned with!
HAHA that's the secret - absence makes the heart grow fonder! mind you it sometimes backfires. One time I got home late from a trip and my key didn't work cos she'd locked it. so I rang the doorbell and when she opend it she was standing there with the kids and just said "this man say's he is your Father but only I know the truth" and then shut the door! Left me standing there for ages - so I NEVER take her for granted :-)[/quote]

well done to her. sounds like a women to be reckoned with![/quote]

damn right! she's probably sitting at home on the sofa, hair in curlers watching daytime TV and biting the heads off ferrets!!
blueinkwell said:
Lived next door to her for a couple of years when I was 9, 10 then met again at youth club when I was 15 and started dating, married at 20 and still together now I'm 53.

That has just warmed the cockles of my heart
der-bomber said:
blueinkwell said:
Lived next door to her for a couple of years when I was 9, 10 then met again at youth club when I was 15 and started dating, married at 20 and still together now I'm 53.

So you have only ever shagged one bird....?

fucking lol

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