Where have all the Insects gone ?

This popped up in my recommended last week(from 2019):

I don't think some people realise what a massive problem it could be, if there is something to it.
I ride a motorbike, and I get plenty of bugs splattered all over my visor and on the front of my fairing, wing mirrors, front forks, on my sleeves, top of my helmet, everyehere. It's not unusual for me to get off my bike and there is a dead fly on the seat as well.

I don't hear the little ones hitting me that make up the majority of splats, but bees and wasps, oh yeah, they make a bang. Sometimes you hit them full on the front of your visor and you spend the next 30 seconds or so watching the gooey mess slowly slide towards the side then disappear.

Riding at night can bring a different insect into your world. You hear a huge bang on your visor, and all you can see is a great big splodge of fluid, but no body parts. I've never worked out what I've hit.
Moths or Bats
The earth electro magnetic field is being shifted by ever increasing levels of wireless technology, filling the air,the earth and presently the sea.Many organisms,including insects,are reliant on the earth magnetic field for navigation and get disoriented by man made frequencies.

Dr Ulrich Warnke comments in a report:

"All magnetic field sensitivity in living organisms,including fishes,is the result of a highly evolved,finely tuned sensory system based on single domain,ferro- magnetic crystals.Animals that depend on the natural electrical ,magnetic, and electromagnetic fields for their orientation and navigation through earths atmosphere are confused by the much stronger and constantly changing artificial fields created by technology...and fail to navigate back to their home environments"
The quasi static magnetic field of the earth (not electromagnetic as there is no E field) is a result of the earth’s molten iron core and isn’t being shifted. It’s utter garbage to state that, it is however true that some animals are affected by changes in magnetic flux density, which is primarily as a result of high current carrying cables. There have been studies for instance of migratory patterns of fish and as such there are limits which have to be met when installing sub sea cables, such as those used for offshore wind turbines. Likewise Very Low Frequency communications, such as those use in submarine communication systems and Sonar also effect whales, dolphins and the like who use it for hunting, navigation and communication.
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Has anybody else noticticed the decline in insect numbers...
Ive been aware of it for years.....but it's getting a little stark now..
Does anyone care?
And what are the reasons for such decline?
Local parks have rewilded large areas so there actually for proper habitats rather than sculling around our houses wondering where the fuck their world went.
We get tons of insects where we live.

I am seeing a lot more plastic lawns (Sorry if anyone here has one) but ffs why kill all that life just to put some plastic down that you dont have to mow! Anyways, I am sure its going to be having an effect on insect life and the water tables.
Ban plastic lawns. Most of us have a small plot of earth to till, and to cover it in dyed green shredded plastic bottles is a fucking travesty.

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