Where were you born, where are you now?

hello said:
Manchester > Salford > Catterick > Bosnia > Cyprus > Bavaria > Kosovo > Warwickshire > Iraq > Cheltenham > Kabul > Canada > Iraq (coz it was so nice and sunny) > Worcestershire (Sure theres a few other palces in the merrygo round as well)

So I am well on the way to being a full blown oyt of town glory hunter!

Glad you're back in one piece[hopefully] and well done!
BlueSpice said:
locoblu said:
No never in the Army but one of my best friends recently left the errmm dare I say it Ahem !!!! the First or Grenadier Guards, so i`m well aware of the rivalry between you lot, yes your postings jumped out at me. In june A bunch of us (14) did a 300 mile sponsored cycle ride from Dunkirk to Nijmegen (bridge too far) following mostly the `March`s` route, I and one other guy were the only `civvies` but were treated fantastically well by your boys for the efforts we put in, all that drinking was well earned. They even did me the massive honour of letting me lay a wreath at the Menin Gate, very moving..
Shame about you and your dad and city, brought you up right though :))

LOL Yes, we love-to-hate the Grenadiers but it's a fun rivalry - not aided by the general public's idea that a Guardsman has single buttons (Grenadier) and a red plume in his bearskin (Coldstream) (A bit like a layman thinking ManUre play in sky Blue (or vice versa))

Well done on staying the pace and earning the respect of the soldiers - you'd have known if you hadn't! Really pleased you enjoyed it. I'm very proud of what my dad did for 22+ years and still watch Trooping the Colour with a proud tear every year, and celebrate the regiment's day (St George's Day) in his memory.

Ahem, sorry, for hijacking this thread people. As you were ...........
`Bearskins` thought they were called `Busby`s` ??? that really winds em up, btw I was on the troop this year collecting for injured Guards and families, was fantastic wandering around `Welli` barracks watching the lads form up.
My wife has a cousin who lives at Low Fell, anywhere near to you ?
Blue Lloyd said:
locoblu said:
Early days, but no blues from out of town, find it interesting to see blues from all over the world, usually a strong Manc connection though. Sort of know a Man City fan in St Ives Cornwall who comes from Brum originally, supports us because his uncle told him he could`nt watch the FA cup final in 56 on TV, which pissed him off so much he decided to support us instead of his local team BCFC and has done ever since, his business is wall to wall man city.

If this fella runs a small barbers shop in St Ives then I know exactly who you mean and his shop is a shrine to Manchester City. If it's not him I'll get my coat.
Spot on Lloydy, I was in there a few weeks ago with a united friend, the guy who runs the barber shop is actually called `Barber` so its Barber the Barber, he also owns the adjoining toy shop and is the local poet, quite a bit of a character, I always bob in for a laugh when down there, usually at ushiteds expense.
locoblu said:
Blue Lloyd said:
If this fella runs a small barbers shop in St Ives then I know exactly who you mean and his shop is a shrine to Manchester City. If it's not him I'll get my coat.
Spot on Lloydy, I was in there a few weeks ago with a united friend, the guy who runs the barber shop is actually called `Barber` so its Barber the Barber, he also owns the adjoining toy shop and is the local poet, quite a bit of a character, I always bob in for a laugh when down there, usually at ushiteds expense.

My sister lives near St Ives. Bobbed in about 4 years ago when I was down there and as you say went through the toyshop which seemed a bit weird. I looked around at all the stuff on the walls and asked him if he was a City fan?

Think he thought I was about to start taking the piss until my mate pointed out that I was a season ticket holder. I had a different story from him though. He told me his parents friends had the only telly in St Ives for the 56 final and they all huddled round it. Anyway they were all Brum fans so he decided to support the other team instead.
BlueLloyd your version may well be correct, it was many years ago when he told me the story, and chances are i`d probably just come out of the Sloop, got friends who own the`Blue Mist` on the Warren, St Ives is heaven.

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