Which City signing excited you most?


Well-Known Member
3 Aug 2010
Which signing excited you most at the time it happened? Player or manager.

I think most will say Robinho but I personally hadn't seen the guy play before we signed him.

For me it was the joint signing of Weah and Wanchope - I suddenly thought 'Wow', we've got a top class strike force.

Also signing Peter Beardsley was exciting at the time.
Re: City signing which excited you most

Tevez, shot straight down to the stadium and was all over the news later with my lad.
Tevez - my favourite none City player at the time,couldn't believe he was joining my team.

We would not be Champs without him.
1. Zabaleta because my mate used to play football manager 2008 and always bought him from Espanyol and said he was world class on it. Turns out he may not be world class but he is a true warrior for the club and is rightly a fans favourite.

2. Tevez as we got one over on the rags and he is world class.

3. Samaras as i thought he was going to be one of the quality unknown players who turns out to take the league by storm and be a bargain. How wrong was I.
We've signed better players since such as Aguero, but when he joined I had already got used to the signing of these big names so it didn't have that wow effect for me.

David Silva.

A world cup winner at City. and a proper player, not just some striker who can put the ball in the net... a genuine world class player.
I went down to the Citystore and met him.
Was in awe of him haha, surreal.
First big one I remember was Kazi Deyna. A truly world class player and quite exotic, in a Soviet Block kinda way. It just confirmed a young boy's feeling that his team was one of the big players in world football... It was quite fallow and disappointing for a few years after that tbf!

Although I also remember that signing Trevor Francis was a big deal. We were on family holiday in Spain and we read it in the papers two days after it'd happened. Imagine having that delay in news now??

Of the recent signings, obviously Robinho and Tevez were big dramas but I think it has to be Aguero... Following the plane on flight tracker was hilarious and I actually went down to the ground and got my big fat face on the OS video of him arriving... Very juvenile behaviour but hey I was at a loose end... And thrilled about a REAL superstar signing for us!


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