Which NFL team to support?

Pezzer2 said:
I support the Buffalo Bills, My dad lived in Toronto and used to watch the Bills. I was really interested in it mid nineties. Buffalo made the Super Bowl 4 times and lost each time if I remember righly to Dallas twice, Redskins and New York giants I think.

My favourite sports teams at the time were obviously City, Sampdoria and the Bills in American Football. All played in blue and all would flatter to deceive.
Sampdoria had Mancini, Platt and Lombardo all with City now. Spooky

How come your Dad didn't support the Toronto Argos? The Bills were chokers for sure, you could always put money on them to loose in the superbowl. The best thing about the Bills was Doug Flutie.
OHHHHH so you glory hunting feckers an ocean away are just going to PICK a team???? Well I don't want to see you guys RUIN EVERYTHING for the true fans!

jk have fun :)
given_is_ironman said:
None! How can it have football in its title?! The ball rarely touches their feet!!

Plus it's just an "Americanised" Rugby. Support Sale Sharks or Swinton Lions instead.

FFS. This gets asked too many times.

The game evolved from Gaelic Football and Rugby in the late 1800's, you know the sport in which it's full name is Rugby Football - why rugby teams have RFC after their name.

American Rules Football has been shortened to Football over the years. Other names have been given to it such as gridiron, but since football was used originally it has stuck.

It is possible to like both rugby and american football.
given_is_ironman said:
None! How can it have football in its title?! The ball rarely touches their feet!!

Plus it's just an "Americanised" Rugby. Support Sale Sharks or Swinton Lions instead.

Sale Sharks have destroyed football in Stockport, and are now clinging onto the coat tails of Salford City Reds, who play a real sport. No time whatsoever for the cunts.

Furthermore, Rams fan, started watching during the days of Holt, Faulk and Warner, not so good nowadays, but their day will come, and as a previous poster mentioned, I'll get to see them at Wembley over the next few years
Detroit Lions...been a fan since since Barry, and being from Chicago i absolutely hate the bears . Real exciting team presently. Pretty good fans , enjoy them more than bears fans anyway, and pretty sure you can literally get away w anything in detroit because it's a barren wasteland. I don't miss many eagles games either. Vick has been amazing since he's been in the league( minus when he's killing dogs obviously, or in prison for killing dogs) . The rest Of the offense is just as exciting. Philly has basically the best/Worst fans.Though the other day another ex player killed himself , i imagine they're gonna lose a huge lawsuit sometime and the league will become 2 hand touch or no contact , so maybe best to not board this sinking ship and invest your time following college lacrosse or something
Seattle Seahawks - on the basis that they wear blue, come from the North West and never fail to disappoint!! - oh crap, may have to have a rethink now!!
There is a guy trying to make it with the Jets right now that used to play for Saracens. Not into rugby but I guess Saracens are a big club in the rugby world. Are they??
i rarely have any interest in the NFL but the odd time i catch it i keep my eyes open for the Miami Dolphins, Miami is somewhere i wanted to go and visit ( f**K something)
Andouble said:
jay_mcfc said:
In a word, Cleveland WILL finish bottom of their table next year. It would be an absolute miracle if they don't.

wrong. Every year in the NFL a handful of teams make the playoffs that were absolute wank the season before. It doesn't take a whole lot to turn a bad team into a playoff team.

I'm sorry, I'm going to have to agree with Jay here. The Browns are my second team (born and bred Saints fan) but there's no way they can go anywhere but down. They're in the toughest division to play in, sure the Ravens are in a bit of a downspiral nowadays, but even that won't help them I don't think. The Browns amusingly enough has the hardest strength of schedule for a non-playoff qualifing team. They'll be lucky to get off the bottom ring. To be optomistic though, we did draft Brandon Weeden and Trent Richardson two top guys in their position (Quarterback and Runnerback respectively) although there's a slight problem with Weeden I've been hearing. (Not to mention he's a 28 yr old quarterback that so far has only played in college league).

If you want a team that is like City that are going up, I don't know if I would choose the Browns. Although they do have loads of loyal fans, a lot of their games gets blackout due to low attendance. But anyways here's something that might remind you of City before they start winning (they have a very black humor!):

But yes on-topic, I think really any team is good as long as you don't go for the big ones, namely: Dallas Cowboys, New York Giants, Green Bay Packers. I would throw a pitch for you to support the New Orleans Saints. Because pre-2009 we were pretty dire, but we've been successful the last few years! Although that might change with Bountygate...

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