Which Signing are you most Excited About?

Navas, always liked a winger that can shift. Think Summerbee or White . Think he will surprise afew. And second Fernandihno, I,ll check the spelling later guys.
Fernandinho for me. Glad in a way he didn't play in Confederations Cup as he will be an unknown quantity to most teams next season. Has the steely grit of a European midfielder with the typical Brazilian flair, and he will be busting a gut to get in that Brazil squad for his home World Cup. I suspect our forward play from midfield will be far more incisive with him in there, and I can see him chipping in with 10 goals plus next season
Navas v Evra, then in the second half v Buttner.....expect him to get the SWP treatment dished out to him by the rags.
Also Negredo he's gonna be stupidly good for us in my opinion.
I'm looking forward to seeing Navas but in no way as excited as I was when Robinho, Tevez, Aguero or Silva signed. I'd have an excited power wank if Ibra signed though.
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
Navas v Evra, then in the second half v Buttner.....expect him to get the SWP treatment dished out to him by the rags.
Also Negredo he's gonna be stupidly good for us in my opinion.

Good point.. there was a derby about 3 or 4 yrs ago where the old pisscan's only game planwas

a) kick the shite out of SWP.. when you are (eventualy) yellow carded .. back off and pass the baton onto

b) the next rag thug... see a) and reapply etc....

That was the Rags doing a Stoke impression.. but the cowards in the press were too chicken to call Bacon face on it

... Will they ever grow some ?? ' not holding my btreath , because that would involve them actually making some independent professional calls.....
Fernandinho and Navas, the thought of Jovetic and Negredo doesn't have me excited much at this point.

Think there are much better signings out there.

We should be looking at Bale, Bernard and Fabregas type signings

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