Which Signing are you most Excited About?

Stevan Jovetic. Thats if he does sign hah.

The way journalists, pundits, European experts talk about him shows just what a talented player he is. He has ability that you just cannot teach. He could become absolutely superb. Best signing since Aguero for me.

A player with genuine star quality.

On another note, looking forward to seeing them all, thats if we get Jojo and Negredo. The two signings i want to become the best are Negredo and Fernandinho. Too many people slagging Fernandinho off before he has even kicked a ball because of his huge transfer fee, neutral fans that is. Saying how we have bought 2nd rate or average players. Gets on my tits. I want Fernandinho to step on that pitch and just completely BOSS the league from the word go, then maybe it will shut the c***s up and justify why we paid so much for him. Same with Negredo, plenty of my rag mates saying how he is a poor player or an average striker, would love him to come and bang 25-30 goals a season in and turn out brilliant. Want him to be a fearsome character who scares the life out of premier league defenders, would be UNREAL.
^ Of course we're signing Jovetic! Zabaleta was even mentioning that Jovetic looked like Brian May to Nastasic before his haircut 30 seconds into the last training video.

Confirmation enough for me.
I wonder if the rags have got a similar thread on their forum? It'd be so difficult to choose. Thiago, Fabregas, Ronaldo, Bale, Baines? Spoilt for choice.

I reckon Navas will be the most obviously exciting player, but Fernandinho will probably be the best.
It's got to be navas in my opinion. Excited by jovetic but I've only seen him 2 or 3 times so can't make a judgement.

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