Who is bigger in Manchester? City or Utd?

Damocles said:
Pretty sure it's City. Every United fan I know always says that we're massive so even they must realise it
Ha Ha - yes a self fulfilling prophecy!
There are three types of supporter (ok this isomer simplistic)

1) The "no other choice" fan - that will probably be the majority of blues in Manchester - you grew up with blue relatives, part of a City family, you grew up in a blue area . These fans just are always have been and don't always know why they are pretty much born supporting the club. I am sure in this bucket it is quite even in Manchester between reds and blues.
2) the reasoned choice, could be wanting to be different to the rest of the area or to family, could be wanting to support a quirky or cool team, could be wanting to be the outsider, could be driven by one particular player (once met a lifelong blue here who just loved Quinny), could be a choice driven by friends (mates who were blue), could be driven by where you went to Uni, could be a favourite colour or coupe be you love the way the team play football or have local players. Blues probably again even in this camp, we have a lot of fans who support us for the strangest reasons and often we have fans who support us down south , in Ireland even places like here in aus just because they wanted to be different. Like it or not Rags will have fans because of the way they played the game and because of some of their players .

Then number 3 there is the glory fan, a glory fan isn't just a fan of a club who is doing well, not even just a fan who is not local for a successful club. A glory fan supports a team because of a psychological need, a glory fan feeds off the success of others and feels better about themselves with that success, deep down inside the glory fan thinks supporting a successful club makes them better than others. Sometimes it can reflect bravado, sometimes insecurity but fundamentally the success of the club and the reflected glory drives the support - you support a successful club, therefore you make good choices and are successful. In this camp we are outnumbered world over and very much in manchester though it will change. Some glory fans will become real fans (life changes) , some will defect and some will drift away.

Overall support doesn't matter it is often how solid that support and what brings you that support. The reason Blues get on as the point above says a bit more than average is a lot come from family and a lot come from wanting to be different so there are common personality traits .
It could have been 10 said:
dom said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
The fact that it's even close or debatable is remarkable in itself given that (as Robbo and others have said) they've had such huge success over such a long period. The only time they weren't undisputed top dogs in Manchester was in the mid-to-late 1970's. Kids go with the flow and support the successful local team but if you were a City fan, then it was genuine.

That's why their stupid 'xx years' banner used to make me laugh. They never realised that it showed them up as glory-hunters and us to be proper fans, who supported their team even though they'd won nothing. If they'd won nothing for 35 years, there would be no sign of at least 90% of their so-called fans whereas we kept at least 90% of ours.

That's why I say we shouldn't care about numbers or percentages. It's about loyalty, sticking with your team through thick and thin. We've won that battle hands down.

Well said, that man... everything else is just tomorrow's chip wrappers

It's been my experience that every city fan I meet or associate with is a well - rounded individual with a good sense of humour ,great company to be with & around. And even tho we all love City we do tend to have an interest in other things & have other topics to talk about.

Whereas your average rag has no sense of humour, take themselves too seriously, only ever talk about nitid & nothing else, tend to be loud mouth boors & generally have the intelligence & intellect of a 10 year old. I remember many years ago I was flicking channels on the remote & had the misfortune to come across a live rag match. Just at that moment the camera went on a banner in the crowd which said "Nitid first, kids second, wife third". I thought to myself that just about sums you shower of wankers up.

Also, rags love to dish it out, but can't take it, to save their lives.
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
It could have been 10 said:
dom said:
Well said, that man... everything else is just tomorrow's chip wrappers

It's been my experience that every city fan I meet or associate with is a well - rounded individual with a good sense of humour ,great company to be with & around. And even tho we all love City we do tend to have an interest in other things & have other topics to talk about.

Whereas your average rag has no sense of humour, take themselves too seriously, only ever talk about nitid & nothing else, tend to be loud mouth boors & generally have the intelligence & intellect of a 10 year old. I remember many years ago I was flicking channels on the remote & had the misfortune to come across a live rag match. Just at that moment the camera went on a banner in the crowd which said "Nitid first, kids second, wife third". I thought to myself that just about sums you shower of wankers up.

Also, rags love to dish it out, but can't take it, to save their lives.

No question here ... !!! the are ultra vulnerable !!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL !!!

I have a neighbour (from Nigeria ??) that was givin it out all the time (non game attender) until that great day in May 2012 v QPR.....

Has been invisible for two years (there ' far more important things [ agreed, BTW].......

until....... taddaa..... Scum spend a fortune (he's shut up about us 'buying the League' )... they squeak their way to third .... and now he's suddenly visible and willing to 'discuss' football with his neighbours.........

Sad.... and needy..
dom said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
The fact that it's even close or debatable is remarkable in itself given that (as Robbo and others have said) they've had such huge success over such a long period. The only time they weren't undisputed top dogs in Manchester was in the mid-to-late 1970's. Kids go with the flow and support the successful local team but if you were a City fan, then it was genuine.

That's why their stupid 'xx years' banner used to make me laugh. They never realised that it showed them up as glory-hunters and us to be proper fans, who supported their team even though they'd won nothing. If they'd won nothing for 35 years, there would be no sign of at least 90% of their so-called fans whereas we kept at least 90% of ours.

That's why I say we shouldn't care about numbers or percentages. It's about loyalty, sticking with your team through thick and thin. We've won that battle hands down.

Well said, that man... everything else is just tomorrow's chip wrappers

Top bloke Colin (Prestwich Blue) and a top post that sums things up.
Think the posters on here are being a tad harsh on our near neigh boors. Most swamp dwellers I meet ,supported them when they were crap. In fact they should have built a 70,000 seater stadium back then.
ccr said:
Think the posters on here are being a tad harsh on our near neigh boors. Most swamp dwellers I meet ,supported them when they were crap. In fact they should have built a 70,000 seater stadium back then.

Thanks GPC!

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