Who " jibbed" into Wembley then?

I've no problem with real fans blagging their way in when legit means have been denied them, ie insufficient ticket allocation. So long as no-one gets hurt physically. The FA and Wembley made plenty of money out of those of us GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY to pay.

Two points.
First, we might have been wiser to not broadcast how deficient the stewarding is/was. Although it has been slack for years, advertising the fact will have an effect eventually.

Second, those advising jibbing into the 'Charity Shield' should please bear in mind that it is what it used to say on the tin, a charity match. The prices and allocation make it available for virtually everyone, please do'nt deny those who benefit from the proceeds.

Sorry a third, why does even this thread end up with people being objectionable. If you do'nt agree, say so and move on !!!
Didsbury Dave said:
Wheelsy said:
117 M34 said:
If you got caught doing this, how would it be dealt with? Would you be arrested?
Thanks to a **** of a "mate", I ended up ticketless.

Went in the first time, got busted, and escorted nicely by two policemen out the disabled gate.

At half time, two blokes went out on the phone, I went in the other way with my phone to my ear, and then legged it up as many flights and rows as I could muster.

Wheelsey, are you saying you travelled from Oz and didn't get in?

Or are you saying you got in at half time?
I got in at half time, yes.
Probably karma for obtaining a ticket via the OSC route in front of many other blues who go week in week out.
Porcupine said:
big blueballs said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
says it all really this thread...
Oh do shut up you Lilly livered do gooder, you are really starting to bore people, I suppose your one of these types who have never done anything wrong in your life, he without sin and all that, and your statement about loyalty points, there are fans who have supported city 40/50 years more how do they get loyalty points from that seeing as it was only brought in after we moved from main road, so the loyalty points thing does not really work as it does not take into consideration support from days at main road

some fan you are, you're one of those many backwards fans that embarass this club when you spot a tv camera.

you can't even spell maine road right. you forgot the 'e'.

then again, youre probably on them right now.....while supping a can of carlsberg.

outstanding ignorance.

see you at _astlands then.
we have another "do gooder" i bet you are great to be around you boring twat, for your information i am posting off my phone at work, on site, waiting to go into a meeting, as i am a company director, with my own electrical contracting business, sorry if my spelling and grammar are not up to your high standard, as i used my brain to forge a career in business and spelling and grammar are not always a real requirement for what i do, but you did make me chuckle with your generalising of me with my can of carlsberg i actually prefer Guiness to be honest, oh and i did not miss the E of maine rd my phone did or its predictive thingy did, you fucking prick.
so i am going to do a bit of generalising myself, you probably have never had a fuck in your life, you have no life experience what so ever, you let the system fuck you in the ass because you are a good little boy, you probably have not got a bird, or if you have she has fucked off and left you because you are a prick,

oh i would not trust you or any of the clowns with your attitude as far as i could throw you, the lads who jibbed in, you will probably find they are salt of the earth, normal people with a normal attitude , i bet you think you are middle class don't you, good this generalising ain't it

i could go on but am boring my self now, so do me a favour, take your superior attitude some where else you fucking no mark.
I can see this thread given the shock/horror treatment by the daily mail.

"The FA are being urged to stip Manchester City of the FA Cup and ban them from all future competitions as City fans triumphantly boasted about their illegal 'jibbing' exploits on the Bluemoon forum as last night..."
I jibbed into Wembley by working the match because I couldn't get a ticket. If anyone was at the ESPN after party, I was the tall bloke who couldn't stop smiling.
I always thought that the game we love, the whole match experience, infact everything about the game and especialy MY club has been took over by complete and utter utter tw*ts, whoever has problems with lads jibbin' in take your pathetic ideals and stick em up your do-gooding fkin arses. And can't you just tell the old school to the new breed of football fan, it tares me apart to see it unfolding in front of my eyes that the new breed are taking our game, stamping all over it, watering it down beyond recognition and spewing their lilly livvered bullshit.

Stillsy, you are a fking disgrace mate, i paid £220 for a ticket, next time, TAKE ME WITH YOUR MOB FFS.

Well done anyway to all the jibbers, long live the jibbers and human life. BAAAA.
buzzer1 said:
I always thought that the game we love, the whole match experience, infact everything about the game and especialy MY club has been took over by complete and utter utter tw*ts, whoever has problems with lads jibbin' in take your pathetic ideals and stick em up your do-gooding fkin arses. And can't you just tell the old school to the new breed of football fan, it tares me apart to see it unfolding in front of my eyes that the new breed are taking our game, stamping all over it, watering it down beyond recognition and spewing their lilly livvered bullshit.

Stillsy, you are a fking disgrace mate, i paid £220 for a ticket, next time, TAKE ME WITH YOUR MOB FFS.

Well done anyway to all the jibbers, long live the jibbers and human life. BAAAA.

Glad you got in in the end buzzer.

Well done to all jibbers. If I was Garry Cook I'd be giving 500 loyalty points out for any blue with the commitment and balls to get in that way..

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