Who " jibbed" into Wembley then?

Just when i went in there was two security escorting a pissed up blue out that had jibbed in, me and a few other blues tried to remonstrate with the heavies but they were'nt having it.
Well done to all who managed to get in without a ticket. Wish I had the balls to do it myself :)<br /><br />-- Sun May 15, 2011 5:58 pm --<br /><br />
jacko8684 said:
i was looking for a ticket all bleeding week, been let down loads of times but went down anyway with my dad and a mate (both with tickets)...took a few bob with me in case anyone had one..it got to 2.45, i had no ticket still and my mate went in, so i stuck to my dad and got through the turnstile,got patted down, found my dads entrance(137) and went to his seat.(piece of piss) Unbelievably the seat to the right of my dad stayed empty so i gladly stayed there. I had the best day ever watching city win the cup stood beside my dad who is a major influence in my life, and it cost me fuck all. just gutted for my mum but i dont think shes up for JIBBING!!..(note to FA...STICK YOUR 25000 UP YOUR ASS)
and fair play to the others who managed it
No am definitely not up for jibbing but so glad that you got in and managed to stay together and had a fantastic day xx
My brother was in 551 on the aisle seat with a mate and two scallies who had jibbed in and then legged it upstairs squeezed into their row, and apparently became almost minor celebrities in that section for the afternoon. Apparently they were among six lads who had 'borrowed' a car to drive down to Wembley, so their transport was free and all. They were planning to do the same or jib the train home. Someone in the row behind even gave them an E each. Our kid says he has never had such a laugh at the match, it was like something from Shameless. Not sure the owner of the car would agree, mind.
After an unsuccessful trip to the roundabout and a couple of scoops next to Wembley arena I was walking up the ramp to the City end when a piece of paper blew toward me - picked it up and iwas only a bloody ticket for the lower tier in the City end!! Waited around for a while to see if anyone was looking frantic - then asked a Policeman what I should do - he laughed and said sell it ! - then went to an information desk and the guy there said the same thing.
Kept imagining if it was me that had lost it and how I would have felt - SICK !!
So took it to the Ticket office manned by the City staff - Hope whoever lost it managed to get in.
warpig said:
just out of interest to those who jibbed it.......how did you get past the 2nd lot of stewards who stand by the tunnel which leads onto the stands?
Theres no legal obligation for you to show it then, you only need it on entrance. Just say you dropped it down the shitter or you binned it
Porcupine said:
good on you GaudinoMotors.

shame on the rest of you scallies getting in for nowt when some of us have gone into deep debt just to come down and support our lads in the fa cup final.

why should we run up huge credit card bills while some just try there luck?


You make it sound like most of them had an opportunity to buy a ticket and instead tried it on, for most I would imagine it was jib or watch on the TV. I wouldn't do it myself but fair play to those who did.
Porcupine said:
good on you GaudinoMotors.

shame on the rest of you scallies getting in for nowt when some of us have gone into deep debt just to come down and support our lads in the fa cup final.

why should we run up huge credit card bills while some just try there luck?


It's not like they took someone elses seat? and I'm sure they tried to get a ticket, for faithful blues willing to go down to London, money most likely wasn't the deciding factor in getting a ticket so good on them for getting in and supporting the team.

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