Why are Liverpool fans always praised for being "sporting"

cleavers said:
They've (well a few did) just applauded a badly injured Utrecht player off the pitch, its not as if that doesn't happen anywhere else.

I'm sure many of us older blues know how bloody untrue it is, as will a number of the older Juve supporters I guess.

It really hacks me off that they are forever lauded as such nice supporters, its gone on for years, when the truth was somewhat different in the 80's/90's, when they bricked every coach coming into town, and stood outside the away end slashing fans with stanley knives as they left.

Stanley Park was aptly named back then, but their support has always been seen in the same "sporting" light, largely because the kop used to applaud the opposing keeper.

why does our country donate money/food/clothes to poor countries??????
we should look on our own doorstep first..liverpool,people feel sorry for them,thats why they get called sporting......hillsbrough was a tragedey, heysel was a disgrace...people died,lets just remember NOT all liverpool fans are sporting!
Dirty Harry said:
toffeetom said:
Ok then mate, well I'll just have to take your word for it but it sounds like sensationalist bollocks to me, nasty old scousers attack innocent children hmmm, given that the top lads at Everton wanted to test themselves against other top lads but whatever.

Tbh I don`t give a fuck whether you take my word for it although anybody I meet I`ll gladly show them the scars, also I`m not talking about your `top lads` either, these were more likely just shitbag fans out on the rob and handing out a few easy beatings whilst other shitbag fans found it funny to stand by and watch.

Top lads ???? don't make me laugh... all football thugs are losers....
toffeetom said:
howfen blue said:
a, fuck off you scouse **** ;)
b,no thanks!!!
They're all turning up ready for Monday aren't they!!!!


Yer we'll be there, making stop offs at local primary schools to slash them to pieces before cowering when a real man comes near us.

Good luck with that. cs its school holiday i just for sum reason dont think any kids will be at school...
now fuck off back to grandoldteam or toffeetalk u dirty horrid scouse granny shaggin cnut!!

cant wait till we do u over on monday :) due a fuckin win over u cunts
dom said:
Dirty Harry said:
Tbh I don`t give a fuck whether you take my word for it although anybody I meet I`ll gladly show them the scars, also I`m not talking about your `top lads` either, these were more likely just shitbag fans out on the rob and handing out a few easy beatings whilst other shitbag fans found it funny to stand by and watch.

Top lads ???? don't make me laugh... all football thugs are losers....

Dom you totally wrong there m8,i aint biggin them up,but some of them lads have spent the most money on there clubs than most other fans,they aint losers as you put it,they like a bit of a ruck,and everything that goes with it,aint for me but i do understand it(the adrenaline the feel of belonging and the feeling that you actually fighting for your club,ect,ect)
moorsideblue said:
toffeetom said:

Yer we'll be there, making stop offs at local primary schools to slash them to pieces before cowering when a real man comes near us.

Good luck with that. cs its school holiday i just for sum reason dont think any kids will be at school...
now fuck off back to grandoldteam or toffeetalk u dirty horrid scouse granny shaggin cnut!!

cant wait till we do u over on monday :) due a fuckin win over u *****

Cheers for that.

You are due a win and a win you will get.
cleavers said:
toffeetom said:
I'm not shit stirring I'm trying to add a balance to insinuations about Everton fans.

Well it certainly came over that way.

The original topic was about Liverpool anyway, who you don't seem to like, maybe you should have stuck to that ? Everton were involved because as pointed out above, some of your fans were only too happy to join in with their liverpool mates. As I said I saw your fans alongside liverpool with piles of bricks to throw at coaches on the east lancs road, and they did, most of them were kids 14-18 year old scum bags not top lads as you describe. Coaches I travelled on, were left with few if any windows, and that was before the game, women and kids were on those coaches.

Well sorry for that, look back through my posts I'm not here to stir shit.

The Everton-Liverpool collusion stuff is a myth, ok on occasion we'll fight but apart from the hillsborough memorial(which I fully support) I can't think of an occasion where Everton would go with the RS.

This will sound very naive, but I still want Man City to do well because to me they represent the Manchester version of us fighting against the Red scum who are masturbated over by the press.

Don't tell my mates though, they'll think I'm a manc...
toffeetom said:
cleavers said:
Well it certainly came over that way.

The original topic was about Liverpool anyway, who you don't seem to like, maybe you should have stuck to that ? Everton were involved because as pointed out above, some of your fans were only too happy to join in with their liverpool mates. As I said I saw your fans alongside liverpool with piles of bricks to throw at coaches on the east lancs road, and they did, most of them were kids 14-18 year old scum bags not top lads as you describe. Coaches I travelled on, were left with few if any windows, and that was before the game, women and kids were on those coaches.

Well sorry for that, look back through my posts I'm not here to stir shit.

The Everton-Liverpool collusion stuff is a myth, ok on occasion we'll fight but apart from the hillsborough memorial(which I fully support) I can't think of an occasion where Everton would go with the RS.

This will sound very naive, but I still want Man City to do well because to me they represent the Manchester version of us fighting against the Red scum who are masturbated over by the press.

Don't tell my mates though, they'll think I'm a manc...

And I want EFC to do well (startin' Tuesday!)

But no team in the universe has a monopoly on sporting behaviour among their fans, just as no team has a monopoly on the scum bags. Just look at that thread yesterday about the guy who was goin't to 'murder someone'.

The sociologists (God preserve us!) will identify sets within sets, subsets within subsets. I know a handful of EFC fans and I am delighted to know them. Knowledgable, amusing, fair-minded, and salt of the earth. My lad has 'been chosen' as the EFC progaganda would have it to look after a place on the Gwladys - last match in front of one of the pillars(!) - but he is a top lad, hates Dippers with a vengeance but wouldn't stoop to anything other than posting his thoughts on BlueKipper. He views LFC fans as I view MANUre fans. The media are responsible for all the crap that gets spewed out about most clubs - and some clubs do a remarkable job at bolstering it. There's room for all sorts.
back to the original post of are liverpool fans sporting? a huge myth perpetrated by the media who adore them. and their own fans who insist on banners akin to the nurenberg rally gracing the kop of their "history"! a history which never includes heysel for some reason?? the modern day kop is on a whole soulless, and full of daytrippers and most scousers choose not to sit there. the club has an obsession with shankly and the glory of winning the european cup/ champions league 5 times. most fans would applaud a badly injured player off the pitch- funny how they were not applauded for being sporting when they attacked alan smith in an ambulance on the way to hospital!!
shackattack said:
back to the original post of are liverpool fans sporting? a huge myth perpetrated by the media who adore them. and their own fans who insist on banners akin to the nurenberg rally gracing the kop of their "history"! a history which never includes heysel for some reason?? the modern day kop is on a whole soulless, and full of daytrippers and most scousers choose not to sit there. the club has an obsession with shankly and the glory of winning the european cup/ champions league 5 times. most fans would applaud a badly injured player off the pitch- funny how they were not applauded for being sporting when they attacked alan smith in an ambulance on the way to hospital!!

Very good shout that.

On a side-note does anyone remember Mark Lawrenson's ridiculously inept commentary of the injury?
He kept on insisting - even after several replays - that Smith was prone on the floor, writhing in agony, and clutching the referee's hand for Christ's sake.....because of the power of the Liverpool player's shot!!!
The man is an utter buffoon.

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