Why are most (none old-guard) opposing teams and fans so gullible?

Moss Side's Finest

Well-Known Member
3 Oct 2018
Over the past decade or so, since Mansour took over and throughout all of the FFP related investigations that have followed, I have often asked myself the same question over and over.

Why are most opposing teams and fans so gullable?

Any owner or fan with an ounce of common sense can take a look back since way before the Premier League was created (even the reasoning for it's creation) and surely realise what's been going on and why? Seemingly not.

The old guard clubs have controlled everything, from TV rights to player transfers to even the laws of the game. All in the interest of keeping them rich and everyone else poor. Fans and owners alike complained for decades that these teams had an unfair oligopoly on power within English football.

Then, one day someone and his club came along and changed everything forever, Mansour and City. We proved that there was a chance for every club to break the mold and become a modern success, there was indeed a way to stop them controlling us all. Opposing fans looked at us in awe and with a sense of aspirational jealousy, maybe they could and should dream too.

Fast forward 15 years or so and that club with that dream went on to achieve everything promised. They proved that with a wealthy owner and more importantly a world class club management structure, the old guard could be overturned.

Sadly, along that journey, the old guard have tried their very best to stunt that growth and success. They have chosen to create rules, spread lies and use underhand tactics to do this, rather than learning from their experience and upping their own game to compete fairly.

The saddest think however is that those opposing fans and owners outside of the old guard, the ones who used to look at us with aspirational jealously and a sense of gratitude because we were helping break the mold and letting them dream too, have now been brainwashed into believing that we are in fact the enemy and the tyrants.

In the early years, many fans, say Everton or Villa would always have some respect for what we were doing, not just on the field but rather sticking it to the old gaurd off the field. But now in 2023 as a type this message, the briefest glance across television, social media and forums with show that this view has very much changed.

Most fans now believe we have cheated from the off, that we are not worthy of looking up to for inspiration and that the old guard were right all along.

The million dollar question is, how can these team's owners and fans sit there, accepting their fate as 'almost rans' and yet see City as the bad guys and the old guard as one of their own? (And we're not just Premier League sides - there are teams now in the lower leagues, sent there as a result of the old guards rules).

Is it some sort Stockholm Syndrome where these clubs as victims have fallen in love with the old guard as captors? Or is it purely a case of propaganda having got the better of them? After all, if you read and are told something enough times you will believe it right?

It saddens me so much to see and hear the sort of comments I'd expect from United or Liverpool fans coming from Everton or Villa fans. Especially when, upon challenge, they really don't know truly why they're are saying it.

And all of this is without the club ever having being convicted of any material wrong doing. In fact, all we have ever done is gone about our own business, choosing not to attempt to clip the wings of other clubs with similar desires.

I'm sure as city fans you will all have asked these sort of questions in your own heads and faced the vitriol from opposing fans, but I just wanted to type it out here in the hope that either I or someone else could find a true explanation.

I suspect years from now we will eventually find out what has really happened in the background and how the old guard orchestrated one of the longest and most complex acts of propaganda known in sporting history. Until then I guess we just have to endure and hope for the best.
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It's because they want to be, let's take the main 2 culprits. They would accept a trophy if they found it in a phone box and claim they won it fairly.

Maybe they are also uneducated about the history of the English game, why would they be because they have a majority of foreign fans who wouldn't know anything pre-1992.
We were just as bad when Chelsea were suddenly richer than everyone else. We moaned when we played them, we loved that they beat the estabilished old gaurd but we'd have reveled in watching them being caught out too.

We all want the fairy tale told in our favour. None of us are truely better than anyone else though. So even though we hate united, liverpool, spurs or arsenal fans, in truth they are no worse than ourselves for spinning a yarn that makes us the good guys and everyone else scumbags.
I get that some football fans aren’t the brightest and believe everything they read (or see) in the Sun but, you come across intelligent people who work in professions who have swallowed this stuff hook line and sinker. It seems absolutely everyone thinks FFP is totally legit and City are the only ones to break it…. Heavens above! Then again one of my family whom I thought had a brain told me last Christmas he was disappointed in Boris Johnson- he thought he was a decent honest bloke who’d do a good job! I poured myself a brandy and walked off.
It's a very good question.
Maybe it's easier to sit in front of your TV and accept that whilst your club is a member of the league there are other super clubs at another level as defined by Sky.
But if another club (City) comes along you thought you were better than and they are even better than the elite it pisses you off how they did it and not your club.
So you just accept they cheated and go back to your beer feeling you've solved that nagging little question.
I don't know just a guess.
We were just as bad when Chelsea were suddenly richer than everyone else. We moaned when we played them, we loved that they beat the estabilished old gaurd but we'd have reveled in watching them being caught out too.

We all want the fairy tale told in our favour. None of us are truely better than anyone else though. So even though we hate united, liverpool, spurs or arsenal fans, in truth they are no worse than ourselves for spinning a yarn that makes us the good guys and everyone else scumbags.
I agree to an extent, but there were a a few differences. From the off Chelsea were absolutely lauded by most. Being rich was seen by most as being cool. The only thing that took them down were Roman's antics, friends and politics. There was virtually no propaganda against them, certainly not early on. What we have experienced is truly unprecedented

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