Why City are good for football chris bailey men

He may as well have given Garry Cook the byline as well, because it's clearly come straight out of his mouth.

Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of positivity around the club but Chris Bailey is a pathetic excuse for a journalist who just tows whatever line is dangled in front of him.
FFS. You all whinge when the press have a go at us, Chris Bailey sticks up for us and you start having a pop at him for doing so, un-fucking-believable. I despair
Can you delete your other thread the same as this one! Just gets daft with all the double threads taking up the space etc. I'm not saying you have done it on purpose as I'm guessing you refreshed the page or something when you posted the thread, but at least delete the other one. Just go into it and hit the delete thread button!!!! Ta
Looks like all the miserable negative twats are posting in this thread and the positive people in the other one

Needless to say that the other thread is near the bottom of the page with far less responses...
The Fat el Hombre said:
Looks like all the miserable negative twats are posting in this thread and the positive people in the other one

Needless to say that the other thread is near the bottom of the page with far less responses...

I'm not miserable... Just think it curtious to realise you have posted twice and delete the other thread dont you think? I posted a thread the same as you yesterday at the same time but you had hit on yours so I deleted mine, no point in two threads the same! Nothing wrong with the content just 4 threads on the same thing. Two on here and two on the transfer forum doesnt make sence to me thats all.
The Fat el Hombre said:
FFS. You all whinge when the press have a go at us, Chris Bailey sticks up for us and you start having a pop at him for doing so, un-fucking-believable. I despair
You seem to be confusing me with someone else Hombre. I'm not one of the paranoid Bluemoon maniacs who incessantly bitches and moans about everything the press write about us. I couldn't give a fuck what they write, to be honest.

But the typical Bluemoon stance seems to be that anything negative about us is bullshit, while anything positive about us is to be lauded as gospel.

This isn't journalism; it's just what Garry Cook has asked him to write and doesn't have even a hint of balance to it. As such, it's just as worthless as all the negative tabloid nonsense that gets written about us.
The Fat el Hombre said:
FFS. You all whinge when the press have a go at us, Chris Bailey sticks up for us and you start having a pop at him for doing so, un-fucking-believable. I despair

Do you not think he's arse licking then Al?
Dubai Blue said:
Chris Bailey is a pathetic excuse for a journalist who just tows whatever line is dangled in front of him.

Dubai, I'm usually a fan of your postings but I couldn't sit idly by and watch a mixed metaphor be so mercilessly tortured....
The Fat el Hombre said:
FFS. You all whinge when the press have a go at us, Chris Bailey sticks up for us and you start having a pop at him for doing so, un-fucking-believable. I despair

I fear we may all become RAGS if we are not careful, it's easier to become a tosser than a nice person, ask someone in a red shirt for proof. Bout time the mUEN did something to balance out that rag from their on talkpoo.

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