Why did the Sheikh choose us

berryblue said:
unexpected item said:
I bet this woman, Amanda Staveley, knows exactly why it was us.


This is taken from Wikipedia
Manchester City and Liverpool[edit]
The Barclays deal followed Sheikh Mansour's £210 million purchase of Manchester City F.C. in September of the same year through the Abu Dhabi United Group,[19] a transaction reportedly worth £10 million in commission to PCP Capital Partners.[6] At the same time Staveley was involved in extended negotiations by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum's Dubai International Capital to buy a 49 per cent stake in Liverpool Football Club, although the deal, which would have given Staveley a place on the club's board, eventually foundered.[10][20][24]

You didn´t know that she negotiated on behalf of Frank when Sheikh Mansour bought us?

She´s a power down in the gulf, she got the ear of all the Emirs and Sheikhs in the sandpit like some Queen of the desert almost.
journolud said:
I know this has probably been discussed before but I never took any notice. I've been asked by a Spurs fan I work with, with no hint of envy in his voice, why the sheikh chose to invest in us and not say Spurs, Newcastle, Everton or any other sleeping giant you can think of. I thought it might have been Shinawatra's connections but didn't know for sure.So, what's the story?

Im sure all the undeveloped land around the stadium could have played a part.

but the fans did....deffo the fans.
What ever the story, we are very very lucky, imagine if he didn't invest in us? Would we still be in the premier league?
mcfctomlad said:
What ever the story, we are very very lucky, imagine if he didn't invest in us? Would we still be in the premier league?

We'd have gone into administration at least once, along with the statutory points deduction.

We would have trodden a similar path to Leeds.

Like them we would probably now would be in the Championship.

But we'd still be getting 35k+ crowds, and the Gallows humour would be in full flow.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned but I'd suggest that our neighbours actually played some part in the decision. Whilst we've faired extremely well from the Sheikh's purchase it's not entirely a one way street. You read stories about heads of state discussing City with the Sheikh at political gatherings and such, we're partly being used to help raise the profile of Abu Dhabi and Etihad. In that respect, the fact that the rags are such a "massive" club globally, means the "Manchester" name is already well known. So in developing the other Manchester club, the Sheikh already has a name people are familiar with, and the rivalry between the two clubs helps add to the value. I'd say it's safe to say they'd hate it if they knew, but the rags global brand probably played a part in City becoming the best team in England.
A new stadium, big attendances, an owner who badly wanted to sell. They were all big contributing factors.

They wanted to raise the profile of Abu Dhabi by buying a football club and spending hundreds of millions on a midtable side and bringing them up was always going to generate more publicity than buying into an already-established side and keeping them at the top.

I'm a Liverpool fan myself but I'm glad the takeover happened. This league needed more competition and you provided it.

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