Why did the Sheikh choose us

i understood it to be as .....

ADUIG were looking at buying a PL club following the recent takeovers at United, Villa, Liverpool and City. They were discussing with Newcastle.

Frank Sinawatra was loking for investors at City, heard about ADUIG talking to City and invited them to City about investing in City instead.

Whilst this was going on ... Newcastle were asking for too much which ADUIG thought they were worth and Frank's 'circumstances' in his homeland became more iffy and ADUIG proposed a takeover of City rather than just being an investor.

Frank thankfully agreed.

but who knows .... who cares .... jusy Thank you Sheikh Mansour!
Falastur said:
The stories as they piece together seem to be that the good Sheikh was looking for an English team to invest in and he wanted one which was not a top team, but had potential. On the checklist were a number of things they ideally wanted - a strong tradition of support, preferably a "sleeping giant" club not fulfilling its potential, with a good stadium which could be expanded, available at a sensible price. I'm not sure how many clubs Mansour and Khaldoon looked although Newcastle and Everton get mentioned a lot. I think Garry Cook has said in interviews that the Sheikh had just rejected one club when one of his contacts (or something) made him aware of their interest and he immediately leaped at the chance, and made an approach to the Sheikh himself. He was asked to make a presentation for them (in the interview he said that he still keeps the powerpoint file he used as a keepsake), and his presentation entirely won over the delegation and from that moment on it was history.
That must be the Power Point of all Power Points. Would love to see that displayed at the ETIHAD.
journolud said:
I know this has probably been discussed before but I never took any notice. I've been asked by a Spurs fan I work with, with no hint of envy in his voice, why the sheikh chose to invest in us and not say Spurs, Newcastle, Everton or any other sleeping giant you can think of. I thought it might have been Shinawatra's connections but didn't know for sure.So, what's the story?

We were 3rd choice behind Barcodes and Everton.

I can't remember why the Barcodes deal didn't happen but Kenshite didn't trust the Sheihk.

Just shows that it was meant to be...that he chose us.
Was it really down to things like Everton and Newcastle? Not saying there isn't any truth in that, but from what I know (which is very little) the Sheikh and his royal family do serious business. Can't see why they were aiming for them other than to test the water and see what bites.

Having things like a major international airport, a shit load of historical success (industry e.g. cotton mills and trade, science e.g. splitting of the atom), regarded as the second city (fuck Birmingham) and a dominant rival next door to challenge goes a long way in my view to selling your business to the world.
He actually tried to buy Arsenal a few years earlier but the fragmented shareholding made it impossible. He then started looking at Prem clubs with a large fan base and hadn't been successful for a while.
It boiled down to Us, Everton & Newcastle in the end. Ashley wanted stupid money and Everton directors refused to sign a "Non disclosure agreement" to enter into negotiations (clueless really is the word). That really just left us and Cook sealed the deal.

And yes the new stadium helped as did the eagle in the badge.
Anyone else hear that Ashley at Newcastle had a meeting lined up with the Sheikh but ended up getting pissed with some mates and was ridiculously late and from then on our owner would have nothing to do with him. It was all about respect and distinct lack shown by Ashley?
I bet this woman, Amanda Staveley, knows exactly why it was us.


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