Why does MH keep bringing up the past?

The past is the most relevant thing to compare to, it shows where we have come from, whether we are progressing and getting better. it is entirely rational and logical to talk about it.

The problem is with the anti hughes brigade is the desparate desire to criticise everything, this undermines the case, concentrate on specific tactical issues and discuss.

IE did he pick the right team?
Did his half time team talk make things better or worse?
Did individual mistakes or tactics result in the defensive lapses?
Did his subs work?

etc etc

trying to find anything to moan about looks like you are sitting there at home desparately to try and find a new topic to slag Hughes off for, broadly on the above he got it right at the weekend so you then try and think of something else no matter how unrelated to the game it is>
No he didn`t "Get it right" as you put it, numpty f*cked the bunny.........again!

Did he pick the right team........no, it was set up to be negative against half a liverpool team for f*ck sake, if you want to win then play to win.

Dont know what his team talk was but as he`s such a numpty I doubt it.

The next one is easy, "THE Tactic"........he only has one, mff with zonal defence, its a built in flaw that leaves gaps and runners unmarked, go look at the goals conseded for the last 18 months, count the number of unmarked free efforts............and dont even start to blame the players for being out of possition, they play where and how numpty tells them.

An dont put the sub down as tactical wizardry either, a defencive player off and a forward on after going behind is not rocket science.

Its the keep the bum brigade that are starting to get desperate now, your defence of the clown is built on results looking more like those predicted by the outers, the preformanece on the pitch are gash..........after £200 million spent.

I claim over fifty years a match going blue, I support my tean through thick or thin, but I also know a bad manager when I see one and dont feel the need to support him.

M34 says.....IF and its a big IF, you have supported City for the last 30 years, you must have spent most of it in misery, cos we ain't won squat.................forget the first division trophy did you along with the other promotions.

An who the f*uck are you to tell pp to go and support anther team, hes a blue who cares that his team is being mismanaged.
A couple of other points with a bearing to the op.

Barry looks jaded thanks to overtraining, if you can call running that, the training is also the cause of the highest ever injury list in the club since records have been kept.............the wait till the secong half of the season for our extra ftness to show failed to materialis last season as we slid down the table.

Many of numpties statements post game are in a different world from what the rest of us watched happen on the pitch, an his excused are pure sh*te.
Love it BlueonBlue you have cheered up my day! :-) There are some quite comic little snipes in there that will probably be lost on many!
EalingBlue2 said:
Love it BlueonBlue you have cheered up my day! :-) There are some quite comic little snipes in there that will probably be lost on many!

Ealing, you were always an utter cock on other boards but do you have to infect this one with your own brand of total idiocy?
other boards, I assume you mean other board! Thanks for the vote of confidence it shows you must be starting to doubt your own views, otherwise why would you care!

Hope you have a very good day and enjoy lifes good fortunes Petya.

As for Blueonblue he put a rational and thought out argument, I may not agree but it was thought I also thought it had a comic turn!
EalingBlue2 said:
other boards, I assume you mean other board! Thanks for the vote of confidence it shows you must be starting to doubt your own views, otherwise why would you care!

Hope you have a very good day and enjoy lifes good fortunes Petya.

As for Blueonblue he put a rational and thought out argument, I may not agree but it was thought I also thought it had a comic turn!

Sounds Petya like you need a lie down and a cup of tea if you are tired! and don't worry I will be happy for you to have the last word!

and apologies BlueonBlue if any offense was cause by my disagreeing with you
EalingBlue2 said:
Sounds Petya like you need a lie down and a cup of tea if you are tired!

and apologies BlueonBlue if any offense was cause by my disagreeing with you

Some people in this thread come through as wanting Hughes to fail no matter what ......

The original poster strated elsewhere he wont be going to any of next weeks games because Hughes is in charge ........

Good , we dont need your moaning and sniping and complete negativity pal .....6th in the League , Quarter Final of the Cup , Robinho due back etc etc ...........God only knows what you were like during the Frank Clark glory years ..............

Hughes isnt everyones cup of tea and i personally wouldnt have chosen him as manager but the owners are clearly going to give him a good crack of the whip so trying to undermine everything he does is very counter productive.

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