Why does MH keep bringing up the past?

KenTheLandlord said:
jake28 said:
Yeh your right mate,i hold my hands up...the mans a genius.
i havnt got a clue because i disagree with you??PATHETIC.
Why dont you tell me where he's going right??

mmmh as suspected, no idea.
Strange you are happy to criticise Hughes, yet cannot back it up. Do you know what you are criticisng or just herding along?

ok,When we are 3-2 up against Burnley he brings on Petrov because he said he felt the game was won(his quote)
He is responsible for the whole defense,he bought every single one of them.He is responsible for the defensive coaching as he hired Mark Bowen.
He's bought a crock in Santa cruz
He sold Dunne who is arguably our best defender in the last 10 years.
They are 2 point worse off than under sven after 12 games.
His style of play is Blackburn's long ball take two.
Again the list could go on and on

Just wait and see at the end of the season,when were not in the top 4 after nearly 250m spent,which im sure you will find more than acceptable
jake28 said:
KenTheLandlord said:
mmmh as suspected, no idea.
Strange you are happy to criticise Hughes, yet cannot back it up. Do you know what you are criticisng or just herding along?

ok,When we are 3-2 up against Burnley he brings on Petrov because he said he felt the game was won(his quote)
He is responsible for the whole defense,he bought every single one of them.He is responsible for the defensive coaching as he hired Mark Bowen.
He's bought a crock in Santa cruz
He sold Dunne who is arguably our best defender in the last 10 years.
They are 2 point worse off than under sven after 12 games.
His style of play is Blackburn's long ball take two.
Again the list could go on and on

Just wait and see at the end of the season,when were not in the top 4 after nearly 250m spent,which im sure you will find more than acceptable

Seriously, after reading that I'm even more convinced we have the right man for the job !

I bet you never even watched a full Blackburn game apart from when we were playing them. The 'Blackburn' jibe is just rolled out by the Hughes haters it's a piece of spin with no real evidence to back it up.

Whatever game he played at Blackburn was probably becuase of the players he had at his disposal to say he is going to make world class players play the long ball has no credence. There is a vast difference between a Wimbledon style 'hoof' up the pitch into the corners than the occasional crafted ball played up to a front man - to try and argue the ball should ALWAYS be played on the deck is preposterous.

So you would rather we have Dunne back...... I should imagine you were one of the one's calling for his head when he made one of his occasional clangers !

A crock in Santa Cruz !!?? - the guy has just come back from injury and nothing suggested to me than he is anything else but fit at the moment. Ferguson signed Saha, Owen Hargeaves an Michael Owen so on that statement Ferguson shouldn't be in his job.

The old Sven chestnut - come back with a comparison versus Sven in about another 12 games. Did Sven also play 7 of the those 12 games away from home ? For what it's worth on a straight comparison on the same games played away and at home as last season - a true apples to apples comparison - we are 8 points better off.

The negatives only see what they want to see.
PaulPowre said:
super-blue said:
Paul if your really not happy with the team, manager ect then go support another team, seriously all the threads I've read from you are so negative its beyond belief

Oh why didn't i think of that...

After 35 years supporting City i will just switch now. Get a grip fool.

It's not too late, you've another twenty years to catch up to me, so you could jump ship and forage the acres of stand at Wigan or Notlob! Hee hee! Just joking, lads!
jake28 said:
KenTheLandlord said:
mmmh as suspected, no idea.
Strange you are happy to criticise Hughes, yet cannot back it up. Do you know what you are criticisng or just herding along?

ok,When we are 3-2 up against Burnley he brings on Petrov because he said he felt the game was won(his quote)
He is responsible for the whole defense,he bought every single one of them.
He is responsible for the defensive coaching as he hired Mark Bowen.
He's bought a crock in Santa cruz
He sold Dunne who is arguably our best defender in the last 10 years.
They are 2 point worse off than under sven after 12 games.
His style of play is Blackburn's long ball take two.
Again the list could go on and on
Just wait and see at the end of the season,when were not in the top 4 after nearly 250m spent,which im sure you will find more than acceptable

Well, you have had a go, no tactical analysis or structure, but a list of points.

ok, here we go

ok,When we are 3-2 up against Burnley he brings on Petrov because he said he felt the game was won(his quote) That's right bringing on an attacking player is always disappointing. But hey, lets forget the ball was headed off the line at 3-2, and clearly Hughes is responsible for a defensive error.

He is responsible for the whole defense,he bought every single one of them. Yes the signings of Richards and Onuoha were inspired.

He is responsible for the defensive coaching as he hired Mark Bowen. So the players never make mistakes, that's good Hughes, has signed perfect players, surely a feather in his cap.

He's bought a crock in Santa cruz. I wonder how he passed his medical. Very good observation.

He sold Dunne who is arguably our best defender in the last 10 years. Is that because he is our only defender to play for the last 10 years or because the guy was making mistakes, for example, stood like a statue when the ball flew over his head for France to Ireland out of the world cup?

They are 2 point worse off than under sven after 12 games. With a game in hand and a 6-0 defeat to Chelsea and 8-1 drumming off someone else to look forward to.

His style of play is Blackburn's long ball take two. What like the build up to Ireland's goal on Saturday or many of the other worked goals we have scored.

Again the list could go on and on but dosn't, because you ran out of steam.

Just wait and see at the end of the season,when were not in the top 4 after nearly 250m spent,which im sure you will find more than acceptable. I will wait until the end of the season and make judgement then, meanwhile i will back my team and manager, and hopefully he will do something no other City manager since Tony Book did in 1977 and finish in the top 4.
KenTheLandlord said:
jake28 said:
ok,When we are 3-2 up against Burnley he brings on Petrov because he said he felt the game was won(his quote)
He is responsible for the whole defense,he bought every single one of them.
He is responsible for the defensive coaching as he hired Mark Bowen.
He's bought a crock in Santa cruz
He sold Dunne who is arguably our best defender in the last 10 years.
They are 2 point worse off than under sven after 12 games.
His style of play is Blackburn's long ball take two.
Again the list could go on and on
Just wait and see at the end of the season,when were not in the top 4 after nearly 250m spent,which im sure you will find more than acceptable

Well, you have had a go, no tactical analysis or structure, but a list of points.

ok, here we go

ok,When we are 3-2 up against Burnley he brings on Petrov because he said he felt the game was won(his quote) That's right bringing on an attacking player is always disappointing. But hey, lets forget the ball was headed off the line at 3-2, and clearly Hughes is responsible for a defensive error.

He is responsible for the whole defense,he bought every single one of them. Yes the signings of Richards and Onuoha were inspired.

He is responsible for the defensive coaching as he hired Mark Bowen. So the players never make mistakes, that's good Hughes, has signed perfect players, surely a feather in his cap.

He's bought a crock in Santa cruz. I wonder how he passed his medical. Very good observation.

He sold Dunne who is arguably our best defender in the last 10 years. Is that because he is our only defender to play for the last 10 years or because the guy was making mistakes, for example, stood like a statue when the ball flew over his head for France to Ireland out of the world cup?

They are 2 point worse off than under sven after 12 games. With a game in hand and a 6-0 defeat to Chelsea and 8-1 drumming off someone else to look forward to.

His style of play is Blackburn's long ball take two. What like the build up to Ireland's goal on Saturday or many of the other worked goals we have scored.

Again the list could go on and on but dosn't, because you ran out of steam.

Just wait and see at the end of the season,when were not in the top 4 after nearly 250m spent,which im sure you will find more than acceptable. I will wait until the end of the season and make judgement then, meanwhile i will back my team and manager, and hopefully he will do something no other City manager since Tony Book did in 1977 and finish in the top 4.

Its not just one defensive error now is it in all honesty??burnley was just a case in point.

So he didnt buy zabaleta,toure,lescott,bridge??of course not

Your comment about bowen and defensive errors is beyond ridiculous

I also wonder how he passed his medical so thats something we agree on

So you wouldnt swap dunne for lescott from what youve seen??

i said after 12 games,forget games in hand

i never said long balls dont create goal but i feel playing the long ball for 3/4 of the match isnt the way to go.
as you say we score well worked goals when we play decent football

i also hope we finish in the top 4 but with constant negative tactics i cant see it.
PaulPowre said:
Can anyone actually defend his lame after match interviews latley?

He's constantly brining up the past both teams, fans expectations, results and past team performances.

Example past City teams would have been happy with a point at Anfield, This time last year we would have lost this game (Wigan), past City teams would have faded and rolled over (Birmingham)...etc..etc

How about he comes out with some home truths for once.


I've spent near £50m on a back 5 that not only can't defend but seem to be getting worse with every match. I've spent £60m on 3 strikers who don't look interested in playing (Ade) one is an injury nightmare (Santa Cruz) and one couldn't hit a barn door (Tevez). i spent £12m on Barry and he looks knackered in every game he plays in even after a full weeks rest. why doesn't he explain some of his tactical nightmares i.e Petrov on the right SWP on the left?. Why does he and the players constanly say were working hard to take the errors out of the team when it's obvious there not or can not.

Come on for once don't use excuses and tell it how it is i for one would have a little more respect for him.

Because he's doing a fantastic job and those of you who don't believe me should get a grip we don't need negativity lets all be thankful how lucky we are to have such a great manager.
this thread has gone teets up but I completely agree with the OP.

This is going to be a major, major moan, so look away now if you don't like that kind of thing. You have been warned.

Hughes dropped a big bollock with that comment. it was transparently self-serving, and has backfired big-time IMO.

my instant reaction was 'How far have we come? 9th to 6th? 200m and 16 months.' Hughes thinks I should be grateful for this?

my second reaction was that it was more of the same 'city have always been a bunch of hopeless losers before I came along' crap, an insult to the club, belittling our past status in the hope of casting his efforts here in a better light.

my more considered reaction was it was a cack-handed attempt to spin the result. i'd buy the line that a point at Anfield is not to be sniffed at, and I agreed that despite that, i felt disappointed. nothing more needed to be said. the players we have were capable of more on the day, are capable of more full stop. that is a good thing, but they are clearly lacking that belief in themselves. by bringing up the past, and being defensive, hughes missed a big chance to publicly affirm his belief in the ability of his players to succeed. maybe he avoided this because he doesn't want to raise the expectations. having seen the approach on the day against a severely weakened and below-par liverpool team, the whole day made me think that Hughes is lacking in belief, or at the very least, he's going the wrong way about communicating that belief.

if he really has belief in the teams ability to mix with the best, his comments, selections and tactics are sending the opposite message. is it any wonder the players are lacking in confidence?

and if I and other fans feel genuinely insulted by what I regard as thoughtless, self-serving comments, what does that say about his ability to communicate with his players, to massage their egos, to get his points across without creating bad feeling?
PaulPowre said:
super-blue said:
Paul if your really not happy with the team, manager ect then go support another team, seriously all the threads I've read from you are so negative its beyond belief

Oh why didn't i think of that...

After 35 years supporting City i will just switch now. Get a grip fool.

After 35 years supporting City
Then shame on you.... you should know better...
M24 said:
super-blue said:
Paul if your really not happy with the team, manager ect then go support another team, seriously all the threads I've read from you are so negative its beyond belief

cant agree more pal...........he's just one of the many boring negative nobs on this forum

I rest my case m24 the use of the word nob comes so easily to you and then you cry when someone calls you a cheeky twat...lol

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