Why don't kids play football anymore?

They're too busy watching it on ITV/BBC/SS/ESPN/ITV4/C5/online to actually play it as well.

During the time the OP was talking about (I'm guessing 20 years ago) you were lucky to see more than one game a week let alone three a day! Add that to PS3/XBox and theres your answer.

This is why all the best English players are scrotes - Rooney and Terry for example - they lived in shitty areas where parents couldn't afford consoles (so there were none to steal) and Sky was far too expensive to pay from out of benefits. Kids weren't allowed in pubs as the punters were too scared that the kids might recognise them and tell their Mums they'd found their real Dads again.
So true. You cant go down to the park anymore and have a massive kickabout of 11 a side. Im 17 and its a struggle to get 4 of us down and then we can only play heads and volleys.

Most just give the "im revising" excuse when everybody knows that unless your going to oxford you dont revise you just end up on facebook
So true! When I was younger I would be out from 10 in the morning till about 6pm - Have my tea then go back out until dark, playing football the whole time.
because the media portrays England as a bad place constantly, thus making parents form a bad opinion of the streets(although its right in some cases).

TV, Films, game consoles, take your pick!
We got a bunch of lads 18-25 ish playing a full 11-a-side game over the weekend and again last night on the local park, not a single kid in sight on either day. When i was a kid that park was rammed. Could always just walk on to the football court and get a good 6/7-a-side game going within half hour.
When I go down to the 3G tonight I'll count how many kids I see. And @ninjamonkey bizarre you mention that age range, it's the exact same round here 18ish + to any age. Never really notice anyone under the 17/18 age.

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