Why I Hate Rangers

OL1skyblue said:
I know alot more than alot of people as I grew up going to watch Rangers.

Oh Yeah so is your experience that all Rangers fans are bigoted, drunken, violent louts?

I come from Barrowfield in Glasgow and was brought up three streets away from Celtic Park. Of course there are fans from Celtic who are bigoted, like there are City fans who hate everything about the rags. However, the vast majority of Celtic fans like City fans support the team and don't get in to trouble. I would be surprised if Rangers fans are much different.
Ah grow up the lot of you, it's always the fucking same. The lads who like Celtic make out like they're angels and Rangers blame everything but themselves. Why can't we discuss it properly. I went with a Rangers fan. I know two and they're both great blokes. I got pissed in the sun and had a good day. Yes there were some sectarian nonesense flying around (but too be honest the swiftness some of our lot are to join in with the M****h chants we can hardly say anything).

The police and council were greatly under prepared for that amount of people. The toilet situation was a complete and utter joke. You had to go out of the fan zone to go for a piss, but then the police stopped people going in about 2 hours before KO. The handling of the screens was shocking aswell. Firstly, they did tell anyone there was a problem until people worked it out for themselves. Then instead of trying to calm the situation down a dj got up on stage and told thousands of angry drunk football fans to "shut up", que the bottles and the start of the trouble. Finally, at the end of the night they decided to lock everyone out of Piccadilly train station whilst the trains just sat on the platforms doing nothing. It was in truth an utter shambles.

That said there can be NO defense for the behaviour of the minority. I'll be honest i didn't see much of the trouble but the images on the news later sickened me. But let's not tar a whole group of fellow football fans with the same brush. I didn't have any trouble all day, I had a good laugh with almost all the Gers I met and I'd happily go to Glasgow with my mate to watch them.
How has this thread got to six pages?

Lets face the facts.

Scottish football is shit - FACT
Rangers and Celtic fans are pathetic, childish and morons - FACT
City are flippin brilliant - FACT
Immaculate Pasta said:
How has this thread got to six pages?

Lets face the facts.

Scottish football is shit - FACT
Rangers and Celtic fans are pathetic, childish and morons - FACT
City are flippin brilliant - FACT

You are a fucking idiot - FACT
Immaculate Pasta said:
How has this thread got to six pages?

Lets face the facts.

Scottish football is shit - FACT
Rangers and Celtic fans are pathetic, childish and morons - FACT
City are flippin brilliant - FACT
Foreverblue is a fucking idiot - FACT
Amen to that Mr. Pasta
Immaculate Pasta said:
How has this thread got to six pages?

Lets face the facts.

Scottish football is shit - FACT
Rangers and Celtic fans are pathetic, childish and morons - FACT
City are flippin brilliant - FACT

As a proud scotsman........................well said OF GTF
Immaculate Pasta said:
How has this thread got to six pages?

Lets face the facts.

Scottish football is shit - FACT
Rangers and Celtic fans are pathetic, childish and morons - FACT
City are flippin brilliant - FACT

Actually they're all opinions :p

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