Why I Hate Rangers

DD said:
There's one thing that will always set Rangers apart from Celtic on the bigotry front and that is almost a century of refusing to sign players because of their religion.

My hatred for Rangers is right up there with United and always will be.

Man after my own heart!

Has anyone ever read the City Council's report of the events following 15th May 08 (UEFA Cup Final)? Worth e a look over, someone gave me a copy of it a few months ago. The council misjudged the number of people and they put their hands up to that, but when they tried to empty bins, put in extra toilets etc employees were physically abused, threatened, even pissed on and the staff were looked upon as basically fair game for any kind of violence or vandalism. I know a few boys who went down for the game both with and without tickets and said they heard of trouble but personally never saw a thing. I also know some Ranjirs fans (who I play 5 a sides with) went down and proudly said they got into bother with either their own fans, coppers and locals! I have never said on ANY thread that Celtic fans are better, well behaved etc because as a few people have touched on already, every club has an areshole minority who follow them, but Ranjirs have a right wing element and sectarian baggage that follows them everywhere they go and I said to two mates in Stockport the night they beat Fiorentina in the Semi Final that there would be major problems at the Final. What unfolded was not a surprise to me. Had it been Celtic in the Final in any English city I still think there would have been problems due to the volume of people travelling down, and right wingers (Millwall, Chelsea types) wanting to have a go due to the 'Irish connections', but it wouldn't have been anywhere near the same scale to what actually took place.
Dubai Blue said:
Not wishing to get into an argument here, because I'm just genuinely interested: I've noticed that a few people on here seem to be equally as passionate about Rangers or Celtic as they are about City. Right up to the point where they'll get nasty and abusive towards a City fan just because he had the gall to say something about some tinpot team from a foreign country. How does that work? Surely there can only be place in your heart for one team. Otherwise, you're left open to conflict.

What happens if City play Celtic or Rangers in Europe. Surely you'd want City to crush the bastards.

No abuse please, I'm just seeking an explanation
Well I've been supporting Celtic for a lot longer than I've been supporting City, a lifetime of Celtic and 4 years of City, but if Celtic went on to the UEFA cup and we didnt hit first place in our group and we drew with them I'd be there in my City top. Doesn't mean I wont defend Celtic when they're lumped in with Rangers.

Heart doesnt have to be in one place, they play in different leagues and the only time theyll ever meet is in pre season where it doesnt fucking matter who wins, or in europe, and I've already gave me allegiances. Its not like they're West Ham or Newcastle and in the same league.

Keep in mind too if I never moved to Manchester I'd not have been supporting City, I'd not actually have an English team. I didn't for years.
Why do we keep getting all this old firm scottish bollox with all the usual sectarian wank on a City forum?

Frankly my dear, who give a fuck.
I'm with you Balti.
There must be plenty Rangers/Celtic forums for them to go on to
This is a Manchester City forum
CelticBhoyCityBlue said:
DD said:
There's one thing that will always set Rangers apart from Celtic on the bigotry front and that is almost a century of refusing to sign players because of their religion.

My hatred for Rangers is right up there with United and always will be.

Man after my own heart!

Has anyone ever read the City Council's report of the events following 15th May 08 (UEFA Cup Final)? Worth e a look over, someone gave me a copy of it a few months ago. The council misjudged the number of people and they put their hands up to that, but when they tried to empty bins, put in extra toilets etc employees were physically abused, threatened, even pissed on and the staff were looked upon as basically fair game for any kind of violence or vandalism. I know a few boys who went down for the game both with and without tickets and said they heard of trouble but personally never saw a thing. I also know some Ranjirs fans (who I play 5 a sides with) went down and proudly said they got into bother with either their own fans, coppers and locals! I have never said on ANY thread that Celtic fans are better, well behaved etc because as a few people have touched on already, every club has an areshole minority who follow them, but Ranjirs have a right wing element and sectarian baggage that follows them everywhere they go and I said to two mates in Stockport the night they beat Fiorentina in the Semi Final that there would be major problems at the Final. What unfolded was not a surprise to me. Had it been Celtic in the Final in any English city I still think there would have been problems due to the volume of people travelling down, and right wingers (Millwall, Chelsea types) wanting to have a go due to the 'Irish connections', but it wouldn't have been anywhere near the same scale to what actually took place.

My mate who is a die hard Celtic fan told me that there would be trouble and he was right and I seen plenty of shite myself when me and two mates went to the nearest pubs to watch the match. Mental, and I've been in pubs with so many Celtic fans that the pub can't take in any more people. This gaf was about half full and a lot of them wherent even Rangers fans, the ones that were went wild.
AyrshireBlue said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
How has this thread got to six pages?

Lets face the facts.

Scottish football is shit - FACT
Rangers and Celtic fans are pathetic, childish and morons - FACT
City are flippin brilliant - FACT

As a proud scotsman........................well said OF GTF

Well Said both of you.

I can't stand either of them. I would be as happy as a pig in shit if they went tomorrow
blue jim said:
Dubai Blue said:
Not wishing to get into an argument here, because I'm just genuinely interested: I've noticed that a few people on here seem to be equally as passionate about Rangers or Celtic as they are about City. Right up to the point where they'll get nasty and abusive towards a City fan just because he had the gall to say something about some tinpot team from a foreign country. How does that work? Surely there can only be place in your heart for one team. Otherwise, you're left open to conflict.

What happens if City play Celtic or Rangers in Europe. Surely you'd want City to crush the bastards.

No abuse please, I'm just seeking an explanation
Well I've been supporting Celtic for a lot longer than I've been supporting City, a lifetime of Celtic and 4 years of City, but if Celtic went on to the UEFA cup and we didnt hit first place in our group and we drew with them I'd be there in my City top. Doesn't mean I wont defend Celtic when they're lumped in with Rangers.

Heart doesnt have to be in one place, they play in different leagues and the only time theyll ever meet is in pre season where it doesnt fucking matter who wins, or in europe, and I've already gave me allegiances. Its not like they're West Ham or Newcastle and in the same league.

Keep in mind too if I never moved to Manchester I'd not have been supporting City, I'd not actually have an English team. I didn't for years.
Thanks Jim.

Out of curiosity, why would you back City in that game when you've only had 4 years as a Blue but a lifetime as a Celtic fan? Surely Celtic should take precedence???
Not read the full thread, but a couple of comments.

The screens in Picadilly Gardens did not break - they were switched off due to too many people being allowed in the fanzone & the likelyhood of a crush if Rangers scored (TBF Rangers were never going to score that night)

The amount of toilets / bins etc provided was never going to be enough. I spent the day outside the Crown & Anchor and around there, we kept asking the pub for bin bags etc to tidy the bottles/cans up - they did this, and when we left the place was fairly clear. Talking to people who were in the fanzones, the facilities were terrible.

Tarring all Rangers fans with the same brush is stupid - as City fans we should know this, remember Boro last year & pictures printed in papers.

Finally, anyone who thinks all the trouble was caused by Rangers fans - genuine or otherwise) needs there heads read. There were "firms" from many clubs in Manchester that day looking for trouble.


Quick edit to say I'm not defending any Rangers fans or anyone else who was involved in the trouble - it was completely out of order
Immaculate Pasta said:
How has this thread got to six pages?

Lets face the facts.

Scottish football is shit - FACT
Rangers and Celtic fans are pathetic, childish and morons - FACT
City are flippin brilliant - FACT

u were going so well til the end lol

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