Why is it...

Because he's surrounded by stars at City, and he himself, isn't a star name.

He was out-paced by Ozil at the WC, which lead to Germany scoring.

He doesn't really snarl, or slide into tackles. In other words, he doesn't do anything that obviously stands out.

The media cream themselves over the other English player who plays in roughly the same position (Parker is a good player mind).

He's not controversial, so he's never really newsworthy.

Probably a combination of those reasons.

Fact is, we have a team of top quality players, but Barry, along with 3 or 4 others, is a constant in the team. He does the things that aren't really appreciated in England. He retains possession for us, without fuss, and he plugs holes and wins the ball back without fuss. He's also the player who seems to be most trusted with playing the riskier pass into one of the 4 forward players. Without this, we'd play keep ball on the halfway line, between Kompany, Lescott and Yaya for 90 minutes.

He's hugely important to us and how we play now. I was a big critic a few years ago, but he's a gem of a professional and a gem of a player. We'll miss him just as much as Yaya on Sunday (if he doesn't play).
They don't see him week in, week out doing his job and playing sensible football?

They're tools?

Gaz Baz is class. Not World Class but gives 100%. Think Wiekens, Dunne, Sun Jihai etc. That kinda class of effort, determiniation and experience
Because they listen to idiots on the radio and on the tv people that call phil jones the robson duncan edwards or beckenbeur just laugh at them and ask who barry plays for and there answer should be the best team in the country!!!
Because he's the kind of player where unless you're watching the game for 90 minutes, week in, week out, he's not going to stand out. People are far more excited spunking over MOTD's coverage of players who do nothing for 89 minutes but do one bit of skill in the 12th minute. Barry is a class act, model professional, and a great asset to our side.
Bellers_a_hero said:
Not one football fan outside City thinks Gareth Barry is a good player?

I was in college today and we were talking about United and City and who out of their players at the moment would get into the City team... I couldn't think of any.

But then I popped up to say Gareth Barry is awesome at the moment and is such a hard worker. I got nothing but laughs and told I was ridiculous! For them to also say he isn't good enough for City and England, at the moment I feel he is as vital to our team as Silva, Yaya, Kompany and Hart.

Your mates know fuck all about football. They probably think that if a player doesn't smash in 30 yarders or drubble past 4 players before chipping the keeper then they're rubbish.
More fool them and their ignorance.

For me, the greatest illustration of the importance of Barry is the way we play when he's not on the field. He quietly keeps everything ticking over and is a vital cog in our side. When he doesn't play we looked disjointed and out of sorts.

He will be sorely missed on Sunday.
Barry doesn't have an agent. Agents talk shite all the time, they'll talk to anyone who'll listen about their clients because they'll get paid for releasing any stories, no matter how little they are. Barry doesn't score goals, he doesn't clear shots off the line, he doesn't make last ditch tackles in the box, he doesn't man mark anyone out of the game... he just efficiently and quietly gets on with his game. This means he isn't someone the media will talk about, neither positively or negatively.

It took ages for anyone to notice Macalele at Chelsea. Andy Gray talked about his game in detail before one particular game and from then on he was everywhere; "the Macalele position" was then the 'in' term to use.

Someone along the line will notice Barry do his thing and it will only need to be said in the media once for the whole country to wake up to the fact that he's the best at what he does in the Prem.
danburge82 said:
Barry doesn't have an agent. Agents talk shite all the time, they'll talk to anyone who'll listen about their clients because they'll get paid for releasing any stories, no matter how little they are. Barry doesn't score goals, he doesn't clear shots off the line, he doesn't make last ditch tackles in the box, he doesn't man mark anyone out of the game... he just efficiently and quietly gets on with his game. This means he isn't someone the media will talk about, neither positively or negatively.

It took ages for anyone to notice Macalele at Chelsea. Andy Gray talked about his game in detail before one particular game and from then on he was everywhere; "the Macalele position" was then the 'in' term to use.

Someone along the line will notice Barry do his thing and it will only need to be said in the media once for the whole country to wake up to the fact that he's the best at what he does in the Prem.

i read somewhere that he hates media attention.

I am getting the same comments at work from the armchair cockneys rags. I say long may it last - as Gazbaz is a class act
How crazy is it, mate!? F***'n lunatics. I was getting it at work from a bunch of rags and arsenal fans. A lot of folks on here've already hit the nail on the head, though. It's because he's the type of player that doesn't get recognition in a highlight reel. Hell, even De Jong might have a better chance of shining on MOTD because "WHEN DE JONG! GOES SLIDING IN...!" etc.

Barry is in my top 3 this season performance-wise. Him, James Milner and Yaya Toure have more than proven their worth to the club. But with Barry, it took me a while to notice just how good he's been for us. Unless you watch the 90 mins, hell unless you go to the game itself, sometimes it's hard to see just how brilliant a player like Gareth Barry can be.

Yeah, the lads at my work've been saying that Manchester City will eventually "buy over" the likes of Barry and Milner....


... I KNOW! Barry and Milner, hahahaha

It must be hard... watching your team's era slowly... tediously slowly... slip into the past. I hope we can lead the new era in england with more honour and decency then any red-shirted team ever did.

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