Why should people work?

1_barry_conlon said:
Having not read the full 8 pages as i can't be arsed, my suggestion is instead of giving them cash to piss up the wall or whatever they do with it, how about giving them vouchers for the necessities of life? They will then be spent on the things that they are meant for?

This is my idea for changing the benefit system!!Give them vouchers that can be used to buy food(not cigs and alcohol) all run by a passprt style acceptence card so you cant just swap or sell the vouchers.They would be able to use them in any supermarket and for food and drink but not alcohol and fags.And any housing benefits is paid directly into an account.If anyone on the dole wants 'luxuries' they should go and get a job to pay for them.

I also think that when someone comes off the dole they should continue to receive a reduced amount of benefit to 'top up' there wage until there tax shows them earning enough to remove from benefits.
Don't worry, at least she has looked for a job before, according to her FB:

"Tammylouise Archer: dont worry bout the sun...ive seen u and steve with them kids...im amazed they think its ok 2 slag people off 4 nt havin a job...well u do have a job as full time mum.....and lets face facts the government are willing ta help wen u aint got a job....yet wont help if u have one so how u supposed ta support a large family witout a high paid job? Neway ive seen you look 4 a job! ur a gd mum thats wot counts...neone got a problem wit dat shld fuck themselfs!"

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1314311313" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1314311313</a>

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