Why we should believe we can win the title

gio's side step said:
bluemoon32 said:
Agreed, expecting a side to gel from the off and then win the premiership is, imo, fanciful.
We finished 19 pts off the champions total last season, i believe that gap will shorten but not to the extent that we'll overtake them.

So, we invest, it takes 'time' for players to gel, and we finish where? Then what's the plan? Invest again, and it take time for the next batch to gel? to then finish where? When are we going to wake up, and realise that we have a squad good enough now to win the league. I am not saying we will, I am saying we should believe we can. The more people talk about 'gelling', the more it becomes a perceived obstacle. If it's about 'gelling', then we should have stuck with the team from last season, maybe added one, and said to Mancini, - the target is 4th. Because it was achievable. Another season. The players raising the level for having had that season together. None of our perceived rivals for '4th', have spent heavily. So why need the players we have signed to achieve 4th? We might have been 19 points away, but my argument is, look at where those points were dropped, and there werent many games, where we were simply outplayed by a better team. A couple but not many. They were down to a lack of winning mentality, 'arrogance' as some call it, and most importantly, discipline.

Every side in every league can play the 'what if ' scenario. We finished 5th as that is where we deserved to finish.
I understand what you're saying but just look at Utd ( i hate to use them) , they don't have a team of great players individually but what they do have is the experience and knowledge right through their club on what it takes to win titles etc, we didn't have that last season, with the players we've added then we'll have a better idea this season but these things do take time, regardless of how much we'd all love for that to not be the case.
Gio, its nice to see you helping out with my 'Believe' campaign ;-)

I have been saying for ages that City can achieve anything with the players, manager and owner in place.

I also started a thread last season about City fans perhaps (warning, this is a generalisation) being the weak link because we, as a supporting mass havent been close to greatness for so long (or at all) that we are out of the habit of believing we can do ut.

Its also a typical line of self-deprecation and humour that makes a City fan a City fan, however there are times at which we should put that to one side and BELIEVE!.

Are some people afraid to start believing in case we don't do ut? I think they are.

But its better to BELIEVE it possible and strive for that success than accept that something is beyond you and therefore not try.

We have a manager, players, coaches, owners, marketing men, tea ladies and web designers who believe and yet we have the entrenched fans attitude of 'maybe next year'.

Well folks this year is last years next year, and guess what CITY ARE GOING FOR THE TITLE AND NOT 4TH PLACE!

It seems the only people who dont believe are some of the fans.


(and yes DD before you start I know! But I still Believe ;-) )
bakchod said:
'gelling of mentality" - i like that

What I like even more is that the 'gelling of mentality' is actually redundant when you buy players of the quality of Yaya, Boateng etc. They have the winning mentality by nature and wont have to be taught it or have it gel.

There are players like Micah who need to get their heads from up their arses of course but thats why Vieira and other senior players are so important.

'So why are you the last to arrive and the first to leave?' Spot on Pat'!

Incidentally the same attitudinal problems were endemic behind the scenes as well prior to the takeover and many of the 'old hands' have changed their mindset or been moved out.

Bye Bye Mr Mackintosh, enjoy your life at Fulham.
bakchod said:
just finish above rags and do a 2 over them and i am happy.

Strangely i would gladly lose to United if it meant we won something.
"The more people talk about 'gelling', the more it becomes a perceived obstacle. If it's about 'gelling', then we should have stuck with the team from last season, maybe added one, and said to Mancini, - the target is 4th. Because it was achievable."


Most teams that win the league or become successful are built over a few years..The rags, Barcelona, Spain, Germany. Do you see a pattern? You can't just replace the first team every summer and think you've cracked it. It's a process that takes years. Before Barcelona and the rags won the Champions league they reached the semi's the year before, and they both did the same with the league titles, through a process of trial and error, being able to build consistency over a period of time.

The only manager who was able to gel a team of new signings over a period of two seasons was Mourinho at Chelsea, and the majority of that team are still together. Now, I like Bobby Manc as much as the next man, but he aint Mourinho, and Yaya Toure isn't Michael Essien and Tevez isn't Drogba.....

We should have built our team around core players like Stephen Ireland and Richard Dunne and then added quality strikers, wingers and fullbacks where required. That's what all the best teams do, cause if you loose your heart you're finished. When the muck and bullets are flying, where was Robinho? Is Ballotelli going to be any different? I don't mean to rain on your trophy parade, but Ireland + cash for James f**king Milner? MON must be laughing his bollocks of. I don't rate him one bit. If he comes he comes...meh
The point about discipline and mentality is reflected in some of the goals we conceeded last season, in particular the times. Over the years, especially away from home, Utd have gone to games and dominated posession and scored in the first half - silencing the crowd and showing what some people believe to be a flaw - arrogance. Additionally, they score late goals constantly at home. Never believe they are beaten, because they are afraid to fail. Chelsea also have similar qualities.

Last season we conceeded the following goals (times)

- Burnley (H) 87min

- Hull (H) 82min

- Bolton (a) 11min

- Everton (a) 45min

- Utd x 3! 90min

- Everton (H) 85min

- Spurs (H) 82min

Traditionally, teams who conceed early goals away from home, goals just before half time, and in the final 10 minutes are weaker in terms of mentality and discipline. I am not saying we havent scored early goals or late goals, but it is rare the team who wins the league does this on more than a couple of occasions. Concentration, desire, discipline and fear of failure. If Mancini has worked on these, and we can move forward in regards to this, then we CAN win the title
I think the league title's a year early for us, I'll be happy with 3rd + a cup.

Two reasons really. Firstly I'm not convinced that our back 4 will be solid enough.

Secondly, and more importantly, we still don't have a settled pattern of play. Title winners usually have settled style of playing that means that, even when individual players have ordinary games, they can still get the job done. The sum of the parts is greater than the individual contributions.

We've completely changed direction since Mancini arrived and it will take time for his systems to bed in. We're still dependent on our better players putting in big performances, which they're not going to do every match.

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