Why Would you Vote Tory ?

TheMightyQuinn said:
mat said:
How very wrong you are.

Do you enjoy insulting people and putting everyone in a little box because your posts seem to show such traits.

Yeah grow up Mat you sad twat!

Hate is the way forward, hate anyone different to you, fuck hate, fear others, fear your neighbour, fear other races, religions and cultures, fear made up diseases, vote Cameron or else you must be a gay, a lesbian, a student, a Muslim or a Black...even maybe a women. I hate all of those people. White men rule ok?

I stand corrected Granddragon Quinn.

My humblest apologies i will now round up a lynch mob to kill the first one i can find.
mat said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Yeah grow up Mat you sad twat!

Hate is the way forward, hate anyone different to you, fuck hate, fear others, fear your neighbour, fear other races, religions and cultures, fear made up diseases, vote Cameron or else you must be a gay, a lesbian, a student, a Muslim or a Black...even maybe a women. I hate all of those people. White men rule ok?

I stand corrected Granddragon Quinn.

My humblest apologies i will now round up a lynch mob to kill the first one i can find.

It's not difficult Mat.

Same as you = good.

Anything different = fear, resentment and hate.
urmston said:
law74 said:
I believe in public need not private greed so i will be voting for none of the above. (that is if i am sober enough after the spurs game to make it into the polling station).

Labour knows how to take money off people and then waste it, usually to give good wages and superb pensions to public sector staff - much better wages and pensions than most of us in the pribvate sector could get for similar jobs.

I would love to know where you get this idea from, i am currently a uncivil servant earning just over £20,000 per annum, a similar job with my qualifications and experiences in the private sector would earn me £28,000 - £30,000 but i enjoy my current job and am willing to live on what i earn, my sister is a civil servant currently earning £27,000 per annum (approx), in a sinilar role in the private sector with the same number of staff under her command she would be earning circa £40,000, however as she has paid into her pension for over 30 years now, she is waiting until she can retire (ok possibly a bit earlier than in the private sector, but if she had been earning private sector wages she could have had a much bigger house to sell and boost her pension, or a healthier pension fund.
Real facts and real figures from real people, not some myth placed by those that want to undermine the public sector so they can sell the profitable aspects off to their mates (not that i believe nu-liebour wouldnt do the same).
TheMightyQuinn said:
mat said:
How very wrong you are.

Do you enjoy insulting people and putting everyone in a little box because your posts seem to show such traits.

Yeah grow up Mat you sad twat!

Hate is the way forward, hate anyone different to you, fuck hate, fear others, fear your neighbour, fear other races, religions and cultures, fear made up diseases, vote Cameron or else you must be a gay, a lesbian, a student, a Muslim or a Black...even maybe a women. I hate all of those people. White men rule ok?

here we go again with the race/minority card when it's not relevant.

You're sounding like an over-sensitive stuck record.
terryphelan said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Yeah grow up Mat you sad twat!

Hate is the way forward, hate anyone different to you, fuck hate, fear others, fear your neighbour, fear other races, religions and cultures, fear made up diseases, vote Cameron or else you must be a gay, a lesbian, a student, a Muslim or a Black...even maybe a women. I hate all of those people. White men rule ok?

here we go again with the race/minority card when it's not relevant.

You're sounding like an over-sensitive stuck record.

   /ˈsætaɪər/ Show Spelled[sat-ahyuhr] Show IPA
the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
a literary genre comprising such compositions.
That was my point mat. Instead of giving any kind of meaningful opinion on a topic this guy simply chips in with meaningless sarcastic jibes along the lines of 'yeah - coz white people/Christians/english people don't do this do they???'

It's childish and tiresome
terryphelan said:
That was my point mat. Instead of giving any kind of meaningful opinion on a topic this guy simply chips in with meaningless sarcastic jibes along the lines of 'yeah - coz white people/Christians/english people don't do this do they???'

It's childish and tiresome

So stop it
Yeah no worries mate
law74 said:
urmston said:
Labour knows how to take money off people and then waste it, usually to give good wages and superb pensions to public sector staff - much better wages and pensions than most of us in the pribvate sector could get for similar jobs.

I would love to know where you get this idea from, i am currently a uncivil servant earning just over £20,000 per annum, a similar job with my qualifications and experiences in the private sector would earn me £28,000 - £30,000 but i enjoy my current job and am willing to live on what i earn, my sister is a civil servant currently earning £27,000 per annum (approx), in a sinilar role in the private sector with the same number of staff under her command she would be earning circa £40,000, however as she has paid into her pension for over 30 years now, she is waiting until she can retire (ok possibly a bit earlier than in the private sector, but if she had been earning private sector wages she could have had a much bigger house to sell and boost her pension, or a healthier pension fund.
Real facts and real figures from real people, not some myth placed by those that want to undermine the public sector so they can sell the profitable aspects off to their mates (not that i believe nu-liebour wouldnt do the same).

Agreed. Pisses me right off.

I joined the Civil Service in 1981. Ironically, it was the direct result of the recruitment drive that was needed at the time because of Thatcher's policies (mass unemployment). I joined because there was a measure of pride in what I was doing, not for the "stupendous" salary (don't make me laugh) or any gold plated pension 50 years in the future. 30 years later (after two promotions) I earn less than the National Average, but I am happy with my lot. Am stressed to the hilt to the point that I dream about the days work ahead (seriously) but I never joined for the money or the pension. Who would??

We were acknowledged as the finest Civil Service in the World. And we undoubtedly were.
mackenzie said:
law74 said:
I would love to know where you get this idea from, i am currently a uncivil servant earning just over £20,000 per annum, a similar job with my qualifications and experiences in the private sector would earn me £28,000 - £30,000 but i enjoy my current job and am willing to live on what i earn, my sister is a civil servant currently earning £27,000 per annum (approx), in a sinilar role in the private sector with the same number of staff under her command she would be earning circa £40,000, however as she has paid into her pension for over 30 years now, she is waiting until she can retire (ok possibly a bit earlier than in the private sector, but if she had been earning private sector wages she could have had a much bigger house to sell and boost her pension, or a healthier pension fund.
Real facts and real figures from real people, not some myth placed by those that want to undermine the public sector so they can sell the profitable aspects off to their mates (not that i believe nu-liebour wouldnt do the same).

Agreed. Pisses me right off.

I joined the Civil Service in 1981. Ironically, it was the direct result of the recruitment drive that was needed at the time because of Thatcher's policies (mass unemployment). I joined because there was a measure of pride in what I was doing, not for the "stupendous" salary (don't make me laugh) or any gold plated pension 50 years in the future.

We were acknowledged as the finest Civil Service in the World. And we undoubtedly were.
Don't know how you can do it tbh, you know I looked into it but after visiting several JCPs here in London, thought nope, not for me. Couldn't understand half the staff let alone the "customers".

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