Why Would you Vote Tory ?

law74 said:
urmston said:
Labour knows how to take money off people and then waste it, usually to give good wages and superb pensions to public sector staff - much better wages and pensions than most of us in the pribvate sector could get for similar jobs.

I would love to know where you get this idea from, i am currently a uncivil servant earning just over £20,000 per annum, a similar job with my qualifications and experiences in the private sector would earn me £28,000 - £30,000 but i enjoy my current job and am willing to live on what i earn, my sister is a civil servant currently earning £27,000 per annum (approx), in a sinilar role in the private sector with the same number of staff under her command she would be earning circa £40,000, however as she has paid into her pension for over 30 years now, she is waiting until she can retire (ok possibly a bit earlier than in the private sector, but if she had been earning private sector wages she could have had a much bigger house to sell and boost her pension, or a healthier pension fund.
Real facts and real figures from real people, not some myth placed by those that want to undermine the public sector so they can sell the profitable aspects off to their mates (not that i believe nu-liebour wouldnt do the same).

I totally agree, I am not sure where he/she has got 'superb wages' from but it sounds like sour grapes to me and I am pretty sick of people on here having a pop at the public sector.
Yes there are good pension schemes in many public sector jobs but overall salaries aren't amazing. If you want a high salary then work in the private sector but you risk the pension plan and job security.
For example in the public sector a certain job role may recieve a salary of 19k per annum with plenty of leave and a pension plan. Where as the same job role in the private sector may receive 26k per annum but not a stable pension plan and less leave.
foxy said:
law74 said:
I would love to know where you get this idea from, i am currently a uncivil servant earning just over £20,000 per annum, a similar job with my qualifications and experiences in the private sector would earn me £28,000 - £30,000 but i enjoy my current job and am willing to live on what i earn, my sister is a civil servant currently earning £27,000 per annum (approx), in a sinilar role in the private sector with the same number of staff under her command she would be earning circa £40,000, however as she has paid into her pension for over 30 years now, she is waiting until she can retire (ok possibly a bit earlier than in the private sector, but if she had been earning private sector wages she could have had a much bigger house to sell and boost her pension, or a healthier pension fund.
Real facts and real figures from real people, not some myth placed by those that want to undermine the public sector so they can sell the profitable aspects off to their mates (not that i believe nu-liebour wouldnt do the same).

I totally agree, I am not sure where he/she has got 'superb wages' from but it sounds like sour grapes to me and I am pretty sick of people on here having a pop at the public sector.
Yes there are good pension schemes in many public sector jobs but overall salaries aren't amazing. If you want a high salary then work in the private sector but you risk the pension plan and job security.
For example in the public sector a certain job role may recieve a salary of 19k per annum with plenty of leave and a pension plan. Where as the same job role in the private sector may receive 26k per annum but not a stable pension plan and less leave.

I think Urmston wrote"superb pensions" and the wages are good.
NiceN Sleazy said:
foxy said:
I totally agree, I am not sure where he/she has got 'superb wages' from but it sounds like sour grapes to me and I am pretty sick of people on here having a pop at the public sector.
Yes there are good pension schemes in many public sector jobs but overall salaries aren't amazing. If you want a high salary then work in the private sector but you risk the pension plan and job security.
For example in the public sector a certain job role may recieve a salary of 19k per annum with plenty of leave and a pension plan. Where as the same job role in the private sector may receive 26k per annum but not a stable pension plan and less leave.

I think Urmston wrote"superb pensions" and the wages are good.

& I stated that the wages were NOT GOOD.
If i was to put the £8,000 per annum into a pension plan on top of what i am currently paying into my pension plan, i am very sure it would be a hell of a lot more than what i stand to get as things currently stand, and there is no garuntee that the current pension (that I am contributing to) will be available when i choose - have to retire.
Was correcting the selective miss-quote.
I don't know anybody else's wages or pensions
therefore cannot comment on them.
However, I work in the private sector,
in a skilled trade, no company pension and a minimum
of 40 hours a week. I enjoy my work but have to work damned hard to get
just over 20k a year and I will be voting Tory and my post would be too long
to explain why. Shortest version is the lying by the government
on WMD's in Iraq, Dr David Kelly and the complete and utter mess they have made of this great country.
NiceN Sleazy said:
Was correcting the selective miss-quote.
I don't know anybody else's wages or pensions
therefore cannot comment on them.
However, I work in the private sector,
in a skilled trade, no company pension and a minimum
of 40 hours a week. I enjoy my work but have to work damned hard to get
just over 20k a year and I will be voting Tory and my post would be too long
to explain why. Shortest version is the lying by the government
on WMD's in Iraq, Dr David Kelly and the complete and utter mess they have made of this great country.

But if the tories and their paymasters had had the foresight, sadam would have been removed after the invasion of Kuwait, rather than waiting for him to regroup, recruit, rearm and reorganise.
law74 said:
NiceN Sleazy said:
Was correcting the selective miss-quote.
I don't know anybody else's wages or pensions
therefore cannot comment on them.
However, I work in the private sector,
in a skilled trade, no company pension and a minimum
of 40 hours a week. I enjoy my work but have to work damned hard to get
just over 20k a year and I will be voting Tory and my post would be too long
to explain why. Shortest version is the lying by the government
on WMD's in Iraq, Dr David Kelly and the complete and utter mess they have made of this great country.

But if the tories and their paymasters had had the foresight, sadam would have been removed after the invasion of Kuwait, rather than waiting for him to regroup, recruit, rearm and reorganise.

law74 wrote:
Daviesmcfc wrote:

Thankyou, 7 trillion on an illegal war. Just imagine how many schools, hospitals etc that could have built. And for what? Innocent people, chidren, women, babies are being killed every day because of British invasion in those countries, however should some people in those countries decide to come here to avoid all the violence, then the daily mail and right wing people describe them as Asaylum(sp?) seekers. They call them illegal and claim they are taking British jobs. When the only reason they come here is because we're bombing the shit out of their countries.

I dont agree with the reasons for the invasion of Iraq, but if Phony B.liar had said that he was sending in the troops to rid the world of sadam because of his war crimes against the Kurds, i would have supported the move, (i still dont know why he wasnt removed after the invasion of Kuwait, under Tory rule), but for all the atrocities against the Kurds, Mugabwe is still in zimbabwe after the murder of a great many farmers in that country and turning the garden of africa into a baren desert that cant grow enough crops to feed it own people after being able to feed near half of Africa.

Correct me if I am wrong ,but the U.N. mandate was to liberate Kuwait only.

Posted in the other topic about Labour.

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