Wigan - what a f***ing joke...

basher said:
What have you got against Wigan? They should be credited for having stayed in the prem for so long.

Not got anything in particular against them... It's just this manager debacle that is hilarious, I mean you wouldn't expect it from a championship club. They've made themselves look amaturish and stupid in front of the entire national sports media.

Imagine if we called all the media together to unveil Tevez and then had to say - ooops sorry he hasn't ACTUALLY signed yet because we forgot to negociate such and such. You'll have to come back on monday.
jimharri said:
Cambridgeblue said:
Anyone caught this debacle today??? The press conference was CLASSIC... what a joke of a club - can't even sign a manager properly.
Can't really blame Wigan for Swansea getting greedy. Although maybe they should have known that Martinez would want to bring his backroom staff with him and to be prepared.

Erm duh... I mean in negociations this should have been one of the first things they asked him about. Any lawyer worth their salt would have spotted this as an issue too.

As for Swansea being greedy they are well within their rights to want compensation for their backroom staff too, especially given the fact they will undoubtedly have to pay someone else compensation to sign their replacements.
basher said:
What have you got against Wigan? They should be credited for having stayed in the prem for so long.
They've only stayed there because "Dopey" Dave Whelan has pumped in money (over £42m at the last count). They also owe Barclays £23m and the only reason they don't call this in is because they received assurances that Whelan would continue to fund them. Otherwise they are effectively insolvent. Bruce did a good job for them but if Marttinez slips up then they are screwed as their wage bill is 90% of their turnover, which I think is the second highest in the Premiership.
Why are they appointing Martinez anyway?

His team plays attractive passing football, and their pitch is like a ploughed field.
wearethenorthstand said:
Lmarkham-blueblood said:
Cambridgeblue said:
Anyone caught this debacle today??? The press conference was CLASSIC... what a joke of a club - can't even sign a manager properly.
dont start takin the piss out of a club that we havent got anything against!!!!

I quite like Wigan, have been there a few times now and the atmosphere is always friendly can't really say a bad word about them now they've got rid of the elephant man as manager.
The last thing I'd describe Wigan as is friendly.
The same thing happened when they appointed the elephant man. They had everything set to unveil him in the press conference, but something went on with Birmingham and that woman had to come out and give a pretty much identical speech to todays.
Cambridgeblue said:
As for Swansea being greedy they are well within their rights to want compensation for their backroom staff too, especially given the fact they will undoubtedly have to pay someone else compensation to sign their replacements.

If they don't go to Wigan, Swansea are left with a big financial burden. They've got a few million for Martinez, and they won't have to pay out the contracts of the support staff when the new man wants to bring in his own assistants.

Swansea, without question are just being greedy.

Takes a lot for me to feel sympathy for Wigan, but they've been blindsided and I think it's not right that they have been.
Lmarkham-blueblood said:
Cambridgeblue said:
Anyone caught this debacle today??? The press conference was CLASSIC... what a joke of a club - can't even sign a manager properly.
dont start takin the piss out of a club that we havent got anything against!!!!
Mr 'kin "Pie Face" Wheelan put the boot in big time when we bid for Kaka in Jan, i.e. Ruining football etc...
All of a sudden it's "fantastic" for Sir Bacon Face!!!

The press conference they had was awesome, haven't laughed like that since watching Manning at the Embassey club.
They threw a piece of old sack cloth over a stack of pie pallets with 4 glasses of Lidl's finest water...then...oops...the "manager" can't sign due to legal reasons relating to backroom staff.
All the reporters were p1ssing themselves laughing.
Fingers cossed they'll get relegated next season ;-)

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