Wigan - what a f***ing joke...

Citycitytid said:
nothing wrong with Wigan....i say well done to them.

WTF is up with all these Wigan lovers getting their knickers in a twist? Honestly you'd think I'd just dropkicked a f***ing puppy. FFS have people had a major sense of humour failure? You'd think that after the last mess when they hired Bruce they would have made sure everything was 100% watertight. Instead they have another huge cock up with the national media sat watching? How in gods name is that not funny?

I for one have not forgotten about their snide comments in January and others have not forgotten about the massive scrap in 99... But I would be laughing just as hard at amy other club who made tits of themselves like that.
Whelan just said Swansea wanted £80 000 - £100 000 compensation for two backroom staff following Martinez to Wigan, coach and a scout.

Can't blame Swansea really if Wigan want to get Swansea's management package.

One of them was Kevin Reeves.
Born and bred in Wigan. I am proud of my origins.

These Athletic supporters are a bit like rags, in fact they are mainly rags. Any before 1998 (ish) are genuine supporters and pleased and thankfull to Whelan to be in the prem as they have followed the Latics through thin an thin but the ones who jumped on the bandwagon in the glory years are in the main "tommy two teams" that is; Rags before Latics were funded by Whelan and show their true red colours when it suits them, usually in the pubs. They swear that they would watch the rags if they could get a ticket but watch Latics because it is cheap.

After the (Goater goal) play off they feel that somehow they are on the same level as us and that they should be in a superior position to us. They are not in the real world but they are very bitter. I suspect that the real reason that they hate us is that they are really all rags.

They also cannot stand the fact that this is a Rugby town and they will always be second to the Warriors despite the Johnny come lately Latics supporters. I would like them to stay in the Premier as it is my home town team but it would be good to see them relegated once to see the crowds plummett and bring them down to Earth.

Obviously this is all about their supporters as even thogh Whelan talks rubbish from time to time you cannot deny what he has done for the club.
feel sorry for swansea, well on the up and now having to start from scratch

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