Will City sell out their allocation for the Charity Shield ?

black mamba said:
To be honest i know a few regular match going rags who are giving the match a miss too ... they reckon' they aren't bothered about this game !

They cant decide whether to go or not, they have a ballot and it was over subscribed so they will sell their allocation.

As for us, probably half full - all 5 category's still available a week after being on sale...
IMO it will be a bit of an embarrassment I got mine today as got paid could of got it few days ago but couldn't really afford too and not one category has sold out!! In fact category the available blocks were 140-137 he said on phone and could sit anywhere!!
Rags will sell out no problem. They prob have 28,000 fans just in London. Rag I work with took his family last year. first game in 5 yrs!

Surely there are thousands of blues who didn't get close to the semi or final who will be itching to go.

I reckon we will have minimum 20000 there. We took 8000 to Cardiff for that shitty Tns match. We also had 13000 at Barnsley for that other nothing match.
Obviously its just a friendly but surely a friendly with more than a bit of bite in it ?
I'm not one to be normally arsed about attendances but it will be a complete and utter monstrosity if we don't sell at least 25,000.

Derby match, Wembley, months without football, new signings...what's not to like?

Come on FFS, get yourself down to Wembley!
It'll go to blue membership easily - they've droppped it to 2000 points from tomorrow
mcfcliam said:

Might just fall short.

Saying that, United's are on general sale as well, so we're not the only ones with a lack of interest within the fanbase.

Hope it's not a daily thing of Blues turning their noses up at Wembley games after 2 visits!

we have had two visits within a month, £200 a visit for me then £550 for season ticket then the comunity sheild total cost around £1100 a lot of cash the way things are with work, the dif is with united they would sell out to the tourists if the game was in timbucktu, i still think we will sell up though

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