Will Leeds United ever be a top club again?

My bad experience of Leeds was about 81/82. Midweek game at Elland Road. Me and my mate from school, both aged about 14, used to get a lift to Maine Road off a neighbour of his. Can't even remember her name now but she had massive tits. She took us to the odd away game as well and for some reason I've got absolutely no recollection why, we always sat in the home ends!!

So we're sat in the Leeds seats on the side opposite the main stand. 5 mins into the game she realises she's left her fags in the car so leaves the ground to go and get them. An hour later she's not come back. Some Leeds inbreds behind us, grown blokes, have sussed out we're blues and start giving us grief on the quiet, saying she's been murdered and shit like that. My mate is getting well wound up and I'm trying to calm him down, but no use, he lost it and went over to a steward and reported these wankers and they were warned. Not a good move, they then started to say they were gonna break our legs and slash our throats. Shitting it by now cos of this and cos we had no idea where big tits was!

5 mins from the end the worst thing that could have happened.. Happened. City scored to make it 1-0. Think it was a header by Reeves or Tueart. Like two little dickheads we start jumping around going mental.. So now the whole stand wants to break our legs and slash our throats. Stewards dragging us out whilst Leeds are coming at us from all angles

As we're being turfed out suddenly big tits turned up out of nowhere. Turns out some Leeds fans had spotted the Manchester car dealer sticker in her car, forced the door, let the handbrake off and pushed it down a hill. Smashed up but just about driveable so she drove us home over the M62 In a blizzard with no lights, cos they were smashed too, doing about 20mph all the way

Next home game she turned up and had painted in big white letters down the smashed up side of the car "With compliments of Leeds United FC"
Great story Chadblue, had a similar experience myself but in my case there were more than the two of us. In terms of Leeds I do think they can make the EPL, just look at Bournemouth and the other contenders in the Championship this season. With the correct management and more importantly funding then anything is possible.
chaddblue said:
My bad experience of Leeds was about 81/82. Midweek game at Elland Road. Me and my mate from school, both aged about 14, used to get a lift to Maine Road off a neighbour of his. Can't even remember her name now but she had massive tits. She took us to the odd away game as well and for some reason I've got absolutely no recollection why, we always sat in the home ends!!

So we're sat in the Leeds seats on the side opposite the main stand. 5 mins into the game she realises she's left her fags in the car so leaves the ground to go and get them. An hour later she's not come back. Some Leeds inbreds behind us, grown blokes, have sussed out we're blues and start giving us grief on the quiet, saying she's been murdered and shit like that. My mate is getting well wound up and I'm trying to calm him down, but no use, he lost it and went over to a steward and reported these wankers and they were warned. Not a good move, they then started to say they were gonna break our legs and slash our throats. Shitting it by now cos of this and cos we had no idea where big tits was!

5 mins from the end the worst thing that could have happened.. Happened. City scored to make it 1-0. Think it was a header by Reeves or Tueart. Like two little dickheads we start jumping around going mental.. So now the whole stand wants to break our legs and slash our throats. Stewards dragging us out whilst Leeds are coming at us from all angles

As we're being turfed out suddenly big tits turned up out of nowhere. Turns out some Leeds fans had spotted the Manchester car dealer sticker in her car, forced the door, let the handbrake off and pushed it down a hill. Smashed up but just about driveable so she drove us home over the M62 In a blizzard with no lights, cos they were smashed too, doing about 20mph all the way

Next home game she turned up and had painted in big white letters down the smashed up side of the car "With compliments of Leeds United FC"
I don't suppose you have any pics of your mate's neighbour? Er, to add a bit of perspective to the story.
I've been in the Leeds end at Elland Road on three occasions and to my mind there's no doubt that as a group of supporters they are as unpleasant as they come. I will preface what I'm about to say by stating that I've watched City play at 26 (just counted) current league grounds where I've been sat away from the City fans by virtue of my good luck at having a few corporate contacts and my supreme abilities as a blagger. I know the score and with one exception (the 6-1) I've always respected the rules when I've needed to.

The first occasion was in 1987, pretty early in the season iirc. We'd just been relegated and I managed to secure a couple of tickets from a mate whose dad had a few contacts at City. Me and my mate were good as gold throughout the game, even when we scored to go 1-0 up (Brian Gayle iirc). Some Neanderthal, with his young kids in tow it should be said, obviously clocked something about us and immediately told us to start preying that Leeds scored. Fortunately for us they got a late goal via Nathan Blake iirc and we were reprieved. I fully expect those children to have subsequently troubled the courts of this land on numerous occasions given the pathetic excuse for a human that masqueraded as their father, utter wanker that he was.

The second time was after we'd been promoted in 2000. Again it was an early game in the season, midweek. I managed to get this ticket through someone I knew who looked after Jonathan Woodgate's finances. I was behind the goal directly opposite the City fans. The team were brilliant that night, especially Paulo Wanchope, who'd only just returned from an international fixture for Costa Rica. The away end was full of hate filled knuckle draggers. Gerard Wiekens scored from a corner right in front of me and the atmosphere was even more poisonous from that point. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a weird thrill out of being among all those throwbacks when we took them apart on the pitch, ending up winning. Hugely enjoyable evening.

The last time was once again an early season fixture. The first game in the Premier League under Keegan. Once again I'd sorted the ticket out from Woodgate's contact, but I was in the (slightly) more salubrious seats in and among the players' families to the right of the halfway line, towards the City fans. One thing that stays with me from that game, other than the fact that the seats around our section were still populated with sub-human scum, albeit of a slightly more refined vintage, was the fact that to the Leeds fans, City were, to them, some sort of running joke as a club. This was vocalised with great gusto and continued throughout the game. I remember sitting there and hoping one day that we would have players of the standard of Kewell and Viduka and be able to go toe to toe with clubs like Leeds once again, like we did in the 70's.

When we play Barcelona in the Nou Camp in a couple of months, in a Champions League competition we now routinely play in, with players like Silva and Aguero playing for City, both head and shoulders above any player who has EVER played for Leeds (edit: apart from possibly John Charles) I doubt very much whether Leeds United and their supporters will enter my head at any point, but if they do it will merely be to remember that August afternoon in 2002 when Leeds United fans seemed to find so much about Manchester City to be so very funny.

Because I've finally got the joke and it's fucking hilarious.
I've always found it amusing their fans think we are rivals because we are in Manchester and they are in Leeds.

Nothing could be further from the truth, of course, but if that's what they want to believe, then so be it.

It probably hurts them the hatred is not reciprocated, but that's their problem.
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
As per thread title..

Leeds is a big city, surely they deserve a top premiership club....no?.....

Clubs have to earn league status it isn't a given, no club deserves it as a right, trouble with a lot of clubs, owners are taking them over
& trying to line their own pockets, not worring about the club.
It seems Leeds have a right owner in Cellino, they probally deserve each other.
To describe a large proportion of their supporters as sub-human slime is putting it mildly, they are up there with the dregs from M16, long may they suffer.
philiph20 said:
To describe a large proportion of their supporters as sub-human slime is putting it mildly, they are up there with the dregs from M16, long may they suffer.
Leeds fans have always enjoyed a laugh at others expense. I remember the 'lets all laugh at City' chants when they beat us 5-2 in the FA Cup. I know they enjoyed City's demise in the 1990's.

Guess who is laughing now?

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