Will the United States survive the 21st century?


Well-Known Member
19 Oct 2010
“Just the right amount of northern”
A question that might have been laughed at a generation ago, but the world has changed so much in that time and will continue to, for better or worse. With all the global change we've seen in recent years, I would suggest it's not a fanciful notion.

There's no doubt that the United States are divided along geographical lines, and whilst that could be said about most countries, the differences in the USA are so stark, so manifest, the nation so large, I'm drawn to the conclusion that it's more likely than not that in some States, liberal and/or conservative, large number of people will start agitating to leave the Union in the next few decades - and once it starts to fracture, would it be possible to stop?

It can't be inconceivable, as it's happened before, and the glue that hitherto bound that nation together can't be quite so strong now. I believe the information age must have subconsciously weakened the Union in the hearts and minds of American citizens, as it accentuates the differences between the outlook and beliefs of the people in its different States in a way that wasn't so apparent previously.

I'd be particularly interested what our increasing number of American posters think on this matter.
Very very interesting question. One thing that can't be in doubt is that the world in 2099 will be massively different than today. Its likely alliances - political and territorial - population densities - wealth concentrations - religious observance - travel and peoples personal goals will all change. Whether for the good or worse time will tell.

The swamp will still be a fucking shithole though.
As long as they keep stealing oil, opium and countries gold reserves they will be absolutely fine. People still won't have free health care, people will still carry guns and they will still scream they're the land of the free and be oblivious to it all!!
Isn't the point that some States may wish to have no guns and free healthcare. Vermont or Washington State, maybe?

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